All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ErrorDialog
- AD - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- add(int, T) - Method in class
- add(T) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Weight
Adds this weight to another weight, returning the new weight.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class
- addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class
- addLayoutComponent(Component, Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- addLayoutComponent(String, Component) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- addRecord(int) - Method in class
- addRecords(int, int) - Method in class
- addStats(long) - Method in class
Adds to the stats of this stream.
- addStats(long) - Method in class
Adds to the stats of this stream.
- addTableListener(TableListener) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Table
Registers a
to be notified when the cached data for this table expires. - addTableListener(TableListener, long) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Table
Registers a
to be notified when the cached data for this table expires. - AE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AOPool<C,
Ex, - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.ioI> -
Reusable generic connection pooling with dynamic flaming tiger feature.
- AOPool(int, int, String, int, long, Logger) - Constructor for class
- AOPool(String, int, long, Logger) - Constructor for class
- append(char) - Method in class
- append(char) - Method in class
- append(CharSequence) - Method in class
- append(CharSequence) - Method in class
- append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class
- append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class
- append(Object, MarkupType, boolean, Encoder, boolean, Appendable) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Encodes an object's String representation with markup enabled using the provided encoder, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- append(Object, MarkupType, boolean, Encoder, boolean, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Encodes an object's String representation with markup enabled using the provided encoder, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- append(Object, MarkupType, Appendable) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Appends an object's String representation with markup enabled, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- append(Object, MarkupType, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Appends an object's String representation with markup enabled, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- appendPrefixTo(MarkupType, Encoder, Appendable) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupMarkup
Appends the prefix to the given out using the given encoder and markup type.
- appendPrefixTo(MarkupType, Appendable) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupMarkup
Appends the prefix to the given out using the given markup type.
- appendSuffixTo(MarkupType, Encoder, Appendable) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupMarkup
Appends the suffix to the given out using the given encoder and markup type.
- appendSuffixTo(MarkupType, Appendable) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupMarkup
Appends the suffix to the given out using the given markup type.
- APRIL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- AQ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- asHex() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Returns 32-character hex representation of this objects hash.
- asHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Turns array of bytes into string representing each byte as unsigned hex number.
- AsymmetricException - Exception Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
Thrown when edges are not symmetric in a symmetric graph.
- AT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- attributesOff() - Method in class
- AU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AUGUST - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- AutoSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
Attempts to automatically select the best sort algorithm based on information available in the list.
- available() - Method in class
Determines the number of bytes that may be read without blocking.
- available() - Method in class
Gets the number of bytes that may be written before the queue is full and blocks writes.
- available() - Method in class
- available() - Method in class
- available() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.CommentCaptureInputStream
- AW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AX - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- AZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BackgroundCache<K,
V, - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cacheEx> -
A cache that is refreshed in the background, implementing only get, put, and size.
- BackgroundCache(String, Class<? extends Ex>, long, long) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Uses the default logger.
- BackgroundCache(String, Class<? extends Ex>, long, long, Logger) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
- BackgroundCache.Refresher<K,
V, - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cacheEx> -
A callable used to refresh the cache.
- BackgroundCache.Result<V,
Ex> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache -
The result of a refresh.
- backgroundPublish(Formatter, LogRecord, String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
This is called in a background thread.
- BandwidthLimitingTunnel - Class in
Provides a tunnel for TCP sockets that limits the bandwidth for both upstream and downstream bandwidth.
- BandwidthLimitingTunnel(boolean, String, int, String, int, Long, Long) - Constructor for class
- BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandler - Class in
Handles one connection for a
. - BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandler(boolean, String, int, Long, Long, Socket) - Constructor for class
- BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandlerDownstreamThread - Class in
Handles the downstream bandwidth for one connection for a
. - BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandlerDownstreamThread(boolean, Long, Socket, Socket) - Constructor for class
- BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandlerThread - Class in
Handles one direction of bandwidth for one connection for a
. - BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandlerThread(boolean, Long, Socket, Socket) - Constructor for class
- BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandlerUpstreamThread - Class in
Handles the upstream bandwidth for one connection for a
. - BandwidthLimitingTunnelHandlerUpstreamThread(boolean, Long, Socket, Socket) - Constructor for class
- Base64Coder - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
Deprecated.Please use
as of Java 8. - BB - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BD - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Benchmark - Class in
A simple disk concurrency scalability benchmark.
- BenchmarkCounterBlockDevice - Class in
Times how long a counter block device takes to scan all counters.
- BenchmarkCounterBlockDevice() - Constructor for class
- BF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BIT - Enum constant in enum
- BitRate - Class in
consists of a long quantity and an optional unit. - BitRate(long) - Constructor for class
- BitRate(long, BitRate.Unit) - Constructor for class
- BitRate(String) - Constructor for class
- BitRate.Unit - Enum in
- BitRateInputStream - Class in
regulates an Does not count bytes skipped toward bit rate. - BitRateInputStream(InputStream, BitRateProvider) - Constructor for class
- BitRateOutputStream - Class in
regulates anOutputStream
to a specific bit rate. - BitRateOutputStream(OutputStream, BitRateProvider) - Constructor for class
- BitRateProvider - Interface in
specifies precisely how many bits per second of bandwidth a task should use. - BJ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- boldOn() - Method in class
- BR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BundleLookupMarkup - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
The result of a bundle lookup, with possible prefix and suffix values that represent markup to be added for any in-context translation editors.
- BundleLookupThreadContext - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Each thread has a markup context associated with it.
- BV - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- BYTE - Enum constant in enum
- BYTE - Enum constant in enum
- ByteCount - Class in
consists of a long quantity and an optional unit. - ByteCount(long) - Constructor for class
- ByteCount(long, ByteCount.Unit) - Constructor for class
- ByteCount(String) - Constructor for class
- ByteCount.Unit - Enum in
- ByteCountInputStream - Class in
Wraps an InputStream to count the number of bytes transferred.
- ByteCountInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
- ByteCountOutputStream - Class in
Wraps an OutputStream to count the number of bytes transferred.
- ByteCountOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
- BZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- call(K) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache.Refresher
- CC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CD - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- center - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- center(Component) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- CF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- cgap - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- CH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- checkCompressedInt(int) - Static method in class
Verifies a value is in the acceptable range for a compressed int.
- checkGraph() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.GraphChecker
- checkGraph() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.SymmetricAcyclicGraphChecker
Test the graph for cycles and makes sure that all connections are consistent with back connections.
- checkScheduleFrom(Calendar, String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
Checks if the schedule can start on the given day.
- checkScheduleFrom(Calendar, String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.DayOfWeekList
- checkScheduleFrom(Calendar, String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByDayOfWeek
- checkScheduleFrom(Calendar, String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByMonth
- checkScheduleFrom(Calendar, String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.MonthList
- CI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- clear() - Method in class
- clear(String[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
Clears the screen.
- clearScreen() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
Shuts down the pool, exceptions during close will be logged as a warning and not thrown.
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
Deprecated.Does nothing on close to protect the wrapped InputStream.
- close() - Method in class
Deprecated.Does nothing on close to protect the wrapped OutputStream.
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
Pads, flushes, and closes the underlying stream.
- close() - Method in class
- close() - Method in class
Does nothing on close.
- close() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.ProcessTimer
- close() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
- close() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.CommentCaptureInputStream
- close(C) - Method in class
Closes the underlying connection.
- closeWindow() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- CM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Column - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table
An abstract structure for columns.
- Column(String, IndexType) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Column
- columns - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge - module com.aoapps.hodgepodge
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache
- - package
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
- - package
- - package
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5 - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5
- - package
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.table - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.table
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
- com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version - package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version
- - package
- CommentCaptureInputStream - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
Captures comments from any lines that begin with # (preceding space, tab, and formfeed allowed).
- CommentCaptureInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.CommentCaptureInputStream
- compare(Number, Number) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntValueComparator
- compare(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- compare(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- compare(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- compare(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- compare(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- compare(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- compare(List<T>, int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- compare(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- compare(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- compare(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- compare(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- compare(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- compare(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- compare(T[], int, int, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- compare(T, T, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- compare(T, T, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- compare(T, T, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- compare(T, T, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- compare(T, T, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- compare(T, T, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- compare(T, T, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- compareTo(EditableResourceBundle) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
The natural sorting is based on classname.
- compareTo(BitRate) - Method in class
- compareTo(ByteCount) - Method in class
- compareTo(FilesystemIterator) - Method in class
- compareTo(Column) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Column
Ordered by column name only.
- ComparisonSortAlgorithm<E> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
Generalized structure for sort algorithms that are based on comparisons.
- compile(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.WildcardPatternMatcher
Gets the matcher for the comma and/or space separated patterns.
- componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- configure(Handler) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.HandlerUtil
Private method to configure a ConsoleHandler from LogManager properties and/or default values as specified in the class javadoc.
- copyBytes(RandomAccessFile, long, RandomAccessFile, long, long) - Static method in class
- copyRecords(FixedRecordFile, long, FixedRecordFile, long, long) - Static method in class
- Country - Enum in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.
- CR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- createInstance() - Method in interface
- createRegistry(int, RMIClientSocketFactory, RMIServerSocketFactory) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RegistryManager
Creates a registry or returns the registry that is already using the port.
- createServerSocket(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactorySSL
- createServerSocket(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP
- createSocket(String, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactorySSL
- createSocket(String, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP
- createTempFile() - Method in class
Deprecated.Creates a new temp file while adding it to the list of files that will be explicitly deleted when this list is deleted.
- CSS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- CU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CV - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CX - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- CycleException - Exception Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
Thrown when a cycle has been detected in an acyclic graph.
- CZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- DayDuration - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
Represents a number of days.
- DayDuration(int, DayDuration.Unit) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
- DayDuration.Unit - Enum in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- DayOfWeek - Enum in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- DayOfWeekList(Collection<DayOfWeek>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.DayOfWeekList
- DAYS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration.Unit
- DE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- DECEMBER - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- decode(char[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Base64Coder
Deprecated.Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
- decode(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Base64Coder
Deprecated.Decodes a byte array from Base64 format.
- decode(String) - Static method in class
- decodeString(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Base64Coder
Deprecated.Decodes a string from Base64 format.
- DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_DELAY_TIME - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_AGE - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_TIME - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_MIN_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- DEFAULT_MIN_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL - Static variable in class
- DEFAULT_SOCKET_SO_LINGER - Static variable in class
- DefaultJDialog - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
- DefaultJDialog(JFrame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- DefaultJDialog(JFrame, String, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- delete() - Method in class
Deprecated.Deletes the underlying temp file immediately.
- delete() - Method in class
Deprecated.Deletes all of the underlying temp files immediately.
- DiffableProperties - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
files in a format to maximize the ability for diff tools (likegit diff
) to represent changes. - DiffableProperties.FormatResult - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
- digest() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Returns array of bytes (16 bytes) representing hash as of the current state of this object.
- DirectoryMetaSnapshot - Class in
Recursively (but not following symbolic links), gets a snapshot of the meta data for a directory.
- DirectoryMetaSnapshot(String) - Constructor for class
- DirectoryMetaSnapshot.FileMetaSnapshot - Class in
- DISABLED - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode
- DJ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- DK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- DM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- DO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- DontCloseInputStream - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Please use
instead - DontCloseInputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class
- DontCloseOutputStream - Class in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Please use
instead - DontCloseOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
- DZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- eastComponents - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- EBIT - Enum constant in enum
- EBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- EBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- EC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Edge<V> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
An edge (or arc) between two vertices.
- Edge(V, V) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
- EditableResourceBundle - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Wraps the resources with XHTML and scripts to allow the modification of the resource bundle contents directly through the web interface.
- EditableResourceBundle(Locale, EditableResourceBundleSet, File...) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
- EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Settings for the current thread.
- EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode - Enum in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
- EditableResourceBundleSet - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Groups resource bundles into a set.
- EditableResourceBundleSet(Class<?>, Collection<Locale>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundleSet
- EditableResourceBundleSet(Class<?>, Locale...) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundleSet
- EditableResourceBundleSet(String, Collection<Locale>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundleSet
- EditableResourceBundleSet(String, Locale...) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundleSet
- EE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- EG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- EH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- EIBIT - Enum constant in enum
- EIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- EIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- EMPTY_DISPLAY - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Value used for empty strings, to avoid ambiguity.
- EMPTY_TREE - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.Trees
- emptyTree() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.Trees
Returns the empty list (immutable).
- encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Base64Coder
Deprecated.Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
- encode(byte[], int) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Base64Coder
Deprecated.Encodes a byte array into Base64 format.
- encode(String) - Static method in class
Encodes string for binary transparency over SOAP.
- encodeHtml(char, boolean, boolean, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeHtml(char, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeHtml(CharSequence, int, int, boolean, boolean, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeHtml(CharSequence, int, int, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeHtml(Object, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeHtml(Object, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeHtml(Object, boolean, boolean, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeHtml(Object, Appendable, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
Deprecated.the effects of makeBr and makeNbsp should be handled by CSS white-space property.
- encodeString(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Base64Coder
Deprecated.Encodes a string into Base64 format with
encoding. - EncodingUtils - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
Deprecated.Use new encoding package instead.
- EnterJButton - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
- EnterJButton() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- EnterJButton(String) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- EnterJButton(String, Icon) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- EnterJButton(Action) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- EnterJButton(Icon) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- EQSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
An enhanced quick sort demonstration algorithm, Thu Oct 27 10:32:35 1994
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
Two edges are equal if they have equal from and to.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
Two BitRates are equal when they have the same quantity and the same unit.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
Two BitRates are equal when they have the same quantity and the same unit.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
Checks that all meta data is equal in the two directory tree snapshots.
- equals(Object) - Method in class
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactorySSL
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactorySSL
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.DayOfWeekList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
Recurring schedules are equal when they have both the same type and schedule.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.Every
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByDayOfWeek
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByMonth
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.MonthList
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Column
Two column with the same name are equal.
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple2
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple3
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
- ER - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- err - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- ErrorDialog - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
- ErrorDialog(Component, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ErrorDialog
- ErrorDialog(Component, String, Throwable, Object...) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ErrorDialog
- ErrorPrinterFormatter - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging
to format log messages. - ErrorPrinterFormatter() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.ErrorPrinterFormatter
Public constructor required so can be specified in
. - ES - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ET - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Every(int, int) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.Every
- EveryByDayOfWeek(int, DayOfWeek) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByDayOfWeek
- EveryByMonth(int, Month) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByMonth
- EVERYDAY - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- FastQSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
A quick sort demonstration algorithm
- FEBRUARY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- FI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- FifoFile - Class in
allows code to read and write to an on-disk managed FIFO. - FifoFile(File, long) - Constructor for class
- FifoFile(String, long) - Constructor for class
- FifoFileInputStream - Class in
- FifoFileOutputStream - Class in
- FileExistsRule - Class in
Conditionally uses one of two rules based on the existence of a file on the current server.
- FileExistsRule(String[], FilesystemIteratorRule, FilesystemIteratorRule) - Constructor for class
- FileList<T> - Class in
is a List that stores its objects in a fixed-record-size file. - FileList(String, String, int, FileListObjectFactory<T>) - Constructor for class
- FileListObject - Interface in
is able to be placed into aFileList
. - FileListObjectFactory<T> - Interface in
is able to be placed into aFileList
. - FilesystemIterator - Class in
Iterates through all of the files in a file system.
- FilesystemIterator(Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>, Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>) - Constructor for class
Constructs an iterator without any filename conversions and starting at all roots.
- FilesystemIterator(Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>, Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs an iterator without any filename conversions and starting at all roots.
- FilesystemIterator(Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>, Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a file system iterator with the provided rules and conversion.
- FilesystemIterator(Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>, Map<String, FilesystemIteratorRule>, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a file system iterator with the provided rules and conversion.
- FilesystemIteratorRule - Interface in
Controls the behavior of a
. - Final() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - findImage(int[], int, int, int[], int, int, double) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Finds one image within another.
- findImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImage, double) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Finds one image within another.
- FindReplaceProxy - Class in
Listens on a socket, connects to another socket, while finding and replacing values in the communication.
- FindReplaceWriter - Class in
Replaces strings while writing.
- FindReplaceWriter(Writer, char[], char[]) - Constructor for class
- FindReplaceWriter(Writer, String, String) - Constructor for class
- finish() - Method in class
Pads and flushes without closing the underlying stream.
- FixedRecordFile - Class in
A way to more easily manipulate files with fixed-record-size rows.
- FixedRecordFile(File, String, int) - Constructor for class
- FixedRecordFile(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
- FJ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- FK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- flush() - Method in class
- flush() - Method in class
Flushes all updates to this file to the underlying storage device.
- flush() - Method in class
Flushes all updates to this file to the underlying storage device.
- flush() - Method in class
- flush() - Method in class
- flush() - Method in class
- flush() - Method in class
Does nothing on flush.
- flush() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
TODO: Could wait until all queued log records up to this moment have been handled.
- FM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- FO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- format(LogRecord) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.ErrorPrinterFormatter
- format(LogRecord, Appendable) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.ErrorPrinterFormatter
- formatProperties(File) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.DiffableProperties
Rewrites the given file, if modified.
- formatProperties(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.DiffableProperties
Formats a properties file provided as a String.
- FR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- FRIDAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- from - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
- GA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GB - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GBIT - Enum constant in enum
- GBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- GBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- GD - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- get(int) - Method in class
- get(int[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- get(int[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- get(IntList, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- get(IntList, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- get(List<T>, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- get(K) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Gets a cached result for the given key, null if not cached.
- get(K, BackgroundCache.Refresher<? super K, ? extends V, ? extends Ex>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Gets the value if currently in the cache.
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- get(T[], int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- getAfter() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.DiffableProperties.FormatResult
- getAlgorithmSwitchCount() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getAltPluralName() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- getBaseName() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundleSet
- getBefore() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.DiffableProperties.FormatResult
- getBitRate() - Method in class
- getBitRate() - Method in interface
Gets the bit rate in bits per second,
indicates unlimited bandwidth. - getBitRate() - Method in class
- getBlockSize() - Method in interface
Gets the block size in bytes.
- getBlockSize() - Method in class
- getBlockSize() - Method in class
- getBuffer() - Method in class
Gets the
used as the buffer. - getBuild() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.PropertiesVersions
Gets the build number that is applied to all products.
- getBuild() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
Gets the build number.
- getByCalendarDayOfWeek(int) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
Gets the day of the week from the Calendar value.
- getByCalendarMonth(int) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
Gets the month from the Calendar value.
- getByteCount() - Method in class
- getCalendarDayOfWeek() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
Gets the day of week value used by the Calendar class.
- getCalendarMonth() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
Gets the month value used by the Calendar class.
- getChildren() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.Node
Gets the list of direct children of this node.
- getChildren() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.NodeCopy
- getCoefficient() - Method in enum
- getCoefficient() - Method in enum
- getColor(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.RGBColor
Gets color integers provided color names.
- getColumn(int) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Row
Gets the data contained within one column index in this row.
- getComments() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.CommentCaptureInputStream
- getConcurrency() - Method in class
Gets the number of connections that are currently busy.
- getConnected() - Method in exception class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.AsymmetricException
Gets the connected vertex that doesn't back connect.
- getConnection() - Method in class
Gets either an available connection or creates a new connection, warning when a connection is already used by this thread.
- getConnection(int) - Method in class
Gets either an available connection or creates a new connection.
- getConnectionCount() - Method in class
Gets the number of connections currently connected.
- getConnectionObject() - Method in class
Creates a new connection.
- getConnects() - Method in class
Gets the total number of connects for the entire pool.
- getCount() - Method in class
- getCount() - Method in class
- getCount() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
- getDirection() - Method in class
- getDirection() - Method in class
- getDirection() - Method in class
- getEdgesFrom(V) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Graph
Gets the edges from the provided vertex.
- getEdgesFrom(V) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.MultiGraph
Gets the edges from the provided vertex.
- getEdgesFrom(V) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.TrivialGraph
- getEdgesTo(V) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.SymmetricGraph
Gets the edges to the provided vertex.
- getEdgesTo(V) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.SymmetricMultiGraph
Gets the edges to the provided vertex.
- getEdgesTo(V) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.TrivialGraph
- getEffectiveRule(String) - Method in class
- getElement1() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple2
- getElement1() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple3
- getElement2() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple2
- getElement2() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple3
- getElement3() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple3
- getException() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache.Result
Gets the exception that occurred during refresh.
- getFile() - Method in class
Deprecated.Gets the temp file.
- getFileLength() - Method in class
- getFilenameExtension() - Method in class
- getFilenameIterator() - Method in class
Gets an iterator of filenames.
- getFilenamePrefix() - Method in class
- getFiles() - Method in class
- getFiles() - Method in class
- getFilesystemRoots() - Method in class
Gets the file system roots.
- getFilterProperty(LogManager, String, Filter) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.LogManagerUtil
Package private method to get a filter property.
- getFirstIndex() - Method in class
Gets the data index of the next value that will be read.
- getFormatterProperty(LogManager, String, Formatter) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.LogManagerUtil
Package private method to get a formatter property.
- getFrom() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
The vertex the edge is from.
- getGetCount() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getImageFromResources(FunctionE<? super String, ? extends InputStream, ? extends IOException>, String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Loads an image from a resource using the default toolkit.
- getImageFromResources(FunctionE<? super String, ? extends InputStream, ? extends IOException>, String, Toolkit) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Loads an image from a resource using the provided toolkit.
- getImageSize(File) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.ImageSizeCache
- getIndexType() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Column
- getInListComparisons() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getInputStream() - Method in class
- getInputStream(Socket, Socket) - Method in class
- getInputStream(Socket, Socket) - Method in class
- getInputStream(Socket, Socket) - Method in class
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
Gets the default IntegerRadixSort using the default executor service.
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntValueComparator
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- getInstance(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
Gets a version number instance from its component parts.
- getInstance(int, DayDuration.Unit) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
- getInstance(Writer) - Static method in class
Gets an instance of the Writer that performs the conversion.
- getInstance(ExecutorService) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
Gets a IntegerRadixSort that uses the provided ExecutorService.
- getKeys() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- getLabel() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.LabeledEdge
The label of the edge.
- getLastModified() - Method in class
- getLayoutSize(Container, boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- getLength() - Method in class
- getLength() - Method in class
Gets the number of bytes currently contained by the FIFO.
- getLevelProperty(LogManager, String, Level) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.LogManagerUtil
Package private method to get a Level property.
- getLocales() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundleSet
Gets the unmodifiable set of all locales supported by this bundle set.
- getLogger() - Method in class
- getLongName() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- getLongName() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- getLookupMarkup(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupThreadContext
Gets the lookup markup for the given String or
if not found. - getMajor() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
Gets the major version number.
- getMaxConcurrency() - Method in class
Gets the maximum number of connections that have been busy at once.
- getMaxConnectionAge() - Method in class
Gets the maximum age for connections.
- getMaximumFifoLength() - Method in class
- getMaxRecursion() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getMD5Hi(byte[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
- getMD5Hi(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
- getMD5Lo(byte[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
- getMD5Lo(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
- getMD5String(long, long) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
- getMimeType(String) - Static method in class
- getMinor() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
Gets the minor version number.
- getMode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings
- getModifiedTime(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
Provides direct read access to the modified times.
- getModifyAllText() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings
- getName() - Method in enum
- getName() - Method in enum
- getName() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Column
- getName() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- getNextFile() - Method in class
Gets the next file from the iterator or
if the iterator has completed the iteration of the file system. - getNextFiles(File[], int) - Method in class
Gets the next files, up to batchSize.
- getObjectComparisons() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getObjectFactory() - Method in class
- getOptimalIndexColorModel(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.OptimalIndexColorModel
- getOutputStream() - Method in class
- getOutputStream(Socket, Socket) - Method in class
- getOutputStream(Socket, Socket) - Method in class
- getOutputStream(Socket, Socket) - Method in class
- getPid() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- getPID() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - getPluralName() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- getPluralName() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- getPollInterval() - Method in class
- getPoolSize() - Method in class
Gets the maximum number of connections the pool will create at once.
- getPreferredSize() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ImageCanvas
- getPrompt() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- getQuantity() - Method in class
- getQuantity() - Method in class
- getReadBytes() - Method in class
Gets the number of bytes read from this stream.
- getReadCount() - Method in class
Gets the number of reads performed on this stream.
- getRecommendedSortAlgorithm(List<T>) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- getRecommendedSortAlgorithm(T[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- getRecordCount() - Method in class
- getRecordLength() - Method in class
- getRecordLength() - Method in class
- getRecurringDisplay() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.DayOfWeekList
- getRecurringDisplay() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.Every
- getRecurringDisplay() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByDayOfWeek
- getRecurringDisplay() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByMonth
- getRecurringDisplay() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- getRecurringDisplay() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.MonthList
- getRelease() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
Gets the release number.
- getResourceBundle(Locale) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundleSet
Gets the editable bundle for the provided locale.
- getRGB(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Gets the RGB pixels for the given image into a new array.
- getRGB(BufferedImage, int[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Gets the RGB pixels for the given image into the given array.
- getRGBArray(int, int) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Gets an array big enough to hold the pixels for an image of the given size.
- getRGBArray(Dimension) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Gets an array big enough to hold the pixels for an image of the given size.
- getRGBArray(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image.Images
Gets an array big enough to hold the provided image pixels.
- getRootNodes() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.Tree
Gets the list of root nodes.
- getRootNodes() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.TreeCopy
Gets the list of root nodes.
- getRows() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Table
- getScheduleIterator(Calendar) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.DayOfWeekList
- getScheduleIterator(Calendar) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.Every
- getScheduleIterator(Calendar) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByDayOfWeek
- getScheduleIterator(Calendar) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByMonth
- getScheduleIterator(Calendar) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
Gets an iterator over dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
- getScheduleIterator(Calendar) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.MonthList
- getSetCount() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getShortName() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- getShortName() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- getSince() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
Gets the year this country code was created.
- getSingleThreadedInstance() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
Gets a single-threaded instance of IntegerRadixSort, that will not ever sort concurrently.
- getStartPath() - Method in class
Gets the start path for this iterator.
- getStates() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
Gets the unmodifiable list of states or
if unknown. - getStringProperty(LogManager, String, String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.LogManagerUtil
Package private method to get a String property.
- getSwapCount() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getTableName() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Table
- getTempFile(String, String) - Static method in class
Deprecated.Please use
is prone to memory leaks in long-running applications. - getThreadContext() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupThreadContext
Gets the current context for the current thread or
if none set. - getThreadContext(boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupThreadContext
Deprecated.Please use
directly, since this content is now added and removed based on the current thread settings. - getThreadCount() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ThreadUtility
- getThreadSettings() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Gets the current settings for the current thread, initialized to
when not yet set. - getTo() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
The vertex the edge is to.
- getTopLevelThreadGroup() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ThreadUtility
- getTotalTime() - Method in class
- getTotalTime() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- getTransactionCount() - Method in class
- getUnit() - Method in class
- getUnit() - Method in class
- getUnit() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
- getValidatedTime(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
Provides direct read access to the validated times.
- getValue() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache.Result
Gets the value for this entry, is always null when there is an exception.
- getValue() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.Node
Gets the value contained in this node.
- getValue() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.NodeCopy
- getValue(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
Provides direct read access to the value.
- getVersion(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.PropertiesVersions
Gets the version number for the provided product.
- getVertex() - Method in exception class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.AsymmetricException
Gets the vertex that the connection was from.
- getVertices() - Method in exception class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.CycleException
Gets all vertices that are part of the cycle in the order they create the cycle.
- getVertices() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.MultiGraph
Gets the set of vertices for this graph.
- getVertices() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.TrivialGraph
- getWeight() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.WeightedEdge
The weight of the edge.
- getWriteBytes() - Method in class
Gets the number of bytes written to this stream.
- getWriteCount() - Method in class
Gets the number of writes performed on this stream.
- GF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GIBIT - Enum constant in enum
- GIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- GIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- GL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GP - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GQ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Graph<V,
E, - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graphEx> -
A graph is a set of vertices that are connected by directed edges.
- GraphChecker<Ex> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
Checks a graph for consistency.
- GraphException - Exception Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
Exceptions indicating problems have been detected in graph state.
- GraphException() - Constructor for exception class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.GraphException
- GraphException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.GraphException
- GraphException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.GraphException
- GraphException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.GraphException
- GraphSorter<V,
Ex> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph -
Sorts the vertices of a graph into a particular order.
- GS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- GY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- handleCommand(String[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
Processes one command and returns.
- handleGetObject(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Gets an object.
- handleGetObject(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- handleKeySet() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- handleRemoveKey(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- handleRemoveKey(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
This will only be called on modifiable bundles.
- HandlerUtil - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging
Provides configuration method similar to
. - handleSetObject(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- handleSetObject(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
This will only be called on modifiable bundles.
- hash() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5InputStream
Returns array of bytes representing hash of the stream as finalized for the current state.
- hash() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5OutputStream
Returns array of bytes representing hash of the stream as finalized for the current state.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
The hashCode is generated from the from and to.
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactorySSL
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactorySSL
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.DayOfWeekList
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.Every
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByDayOfWeek
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.EveryByMonth
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.MonthList
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Column
Hashed by column name only.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple2
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple3
- hashCode() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
- HeapSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
A heap sort demonstration algorithm, Thu Oct 27 10:32:35 1994
- hgap - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- HK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- HM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- HN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- HR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- HT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- HU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- I18nThreadLocalCallable<T> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Invokes the provided callable in the same internationalization context.
- I18nThreadLocalCallable(Callable<T>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.I18nThreadLocalCallable
- I18nThreadLocalRunnable - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Invokes the provided runnable in the same internationalization context.
- I18nThreadLocalRunnable(Runnable) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.I18nThreadLocalRunnable
- ID - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- IE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- IL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- IM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ImageCanvas - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
- ImageCanvas(Image) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ImageCanvas
- ImageCanvas(URL) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ImageCanvas
- ImageCanvas(URL, Window) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ImageCanvas
- imageComplete(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- ImageLoader - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt
Preloads an image for use in
calls. - ImageLoader(Image) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- ImageLoader(Image, Logger) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
Deprecated.logger is unused
- Images - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image
- ImageSizeCache - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.image
Gets and caches image size information.
- imageUpdate(Image, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ImageCanvas
- in - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- IN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- INDEXED - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.IndexType
- IndexType - Enum in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table
The set of possible index types.
- init() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Initialize MD5 internal state (object can be reused just by calling init() after every digest().
- init() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- Init() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - IntegerRadixSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
A radix sort implementation for numeric data, sorting by its integer representation.
- IntegerRadixSortExperimental - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
A radix sort implementation for numeric data, sorting by its integer representation.
- IntegerSortAlgorithm - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
A sort implementation that sorts int[] primitives as was as integer representation of numeric objects.
- IntValueComparator - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
Orders numbers by their integer representation.
- IO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- IQ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- IR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- IS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- isAlive() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.table.UneditableDefaultTableModel
- isClosed(C) - Method in class
Determine if the underlying connection is closed.
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.WildcardPatternMatcher
Checks if this is empty (has no patterns).
- isEnabled() - Method in class
- isFilesystemRoot(String) - Method in class
Determines if a path is a possible file system root.
- isIncluded(String) - Method in class
- isIncluded(String) - Method in interface
Gets if this item should be included.
- isInteractive() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- isMatch(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.WildcardPatternMatcher
- isModifiable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- isModifiable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
Checks if this bundle is currently modifiable.
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class
- isNoClose() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.SkipCommentsFilterOutputStream
- isNodeFiltered(Node<E>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.NodeFilter
- isPreorder() - Method in class
Gets the preorder flag for this iterator.
- isSorted() - Method in class
Gets the sort flag for this iterator.
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- isStable() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- isStable() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortAlgorithm
Checks if this is a stable sort.
- isSupported() - Static method in class
- isTrackingKey(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
Checks if a key is used for tracking status.
- IT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- JANUARY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- JAVASCRIPT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- JavaSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
A sort algorithm using the standard Java sort methods.
- JE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- JM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- JO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- jobs(String[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- JP - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- JULY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- JUNE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- KBIT - Enum constant in enum
- KBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- KBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- KE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- keySetNoParents() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.EnterJButton
- KG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KIBIT - Enum constant in enum
- KIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- KIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- KM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KP - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- KZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- label - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.LabeledEdge
- LabeledEdge<V,
L> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph -
A weighted edge (or arc) between two vertices.
- LabeledEdge(V, V, L) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.LabeledEdge
- LabelledGridLayout - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt
Used to layout components in a grid.
- LabelledGridLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- LabelledGridLayout(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- LabelledGridLayout(int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
Fix the layout when stretchComponenets == false and the number of components is not evenly divisible by the number of cols or rows.
- layoutContainer(Container) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- LB - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- length() - Method in class
Gets the total number of bytes in all the files that will be read.
- LI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- loadImage() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
Loads an image and returns when a frame is done, the image is done, an error occurs, or the image is aborted.
- logConnection(C) - Method in class
Perform any connection logging before
. - LogFollower - Class in
Reads data as is it appended to a log file.
- LogFollower(File) - Constructor for class
- LogFollower(File, int) - Constructor for class
- LogFollower(String) - Constructor for class
- LogFollower(String, int) - Constructor for class
- logger - Variable in class
All warnings are sent here if available, otherwise will be written to
. - LoggingProxy - Class in
Listens on a socket, connects to another socket, and dumps all communication line-by-line to a single log file.
- LogManagerUtil - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging
has several methods that would be very useful in setting up logging, but they are package-private. - LOOKUP - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode
- LR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LV - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- LY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
Deletes multiple directories in parallel (but not concurrently).
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class
- main(String[]) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.DiffableProperties
Rewrites the given files, if modified.
- MARCH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- mark(int) - Method in class
- markSupported() - Method in class
- MARKUP - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode
- MarkupCoercion - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Coerces objects to String compatible with JSP Expression Language (JSP EL) and the Java Standard Taglib (JSTL).
- MarkupType - Enum in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
The different type of markups allowed for translation integration.
- matchAll() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.WildcardPatternMatcher
Gets the match all matcher.
- matchNone() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.WildcardPatternMatcher
Gets the match none matcher.
- MAX_CATCHUP_TIME - Static variable in class
- MAX_CATCHUP_TIME - Static variable in class
- MAX_COMPRESSED_INT_VALUE - Static variable in class
The maximum value of int that can be written via
. - MAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- MBIT - Enum constant in enum
- MBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- MBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- MC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MD - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- md5(File) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5Utils
Gets the MD5 hashcode of a file.
- md5(InputStream) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5Utils
Gets the MD5 hashcode of an input stream.
- md5(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5Utils
Gets the MD5 hashcode of a file.
- MD5 - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5
Implementation of RSA's MD5 hash generator.
- MD5() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Class constructor.
- MD5(Object) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Initialize class, and update hash with ob.toString()
- MD5InputStream - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5
MD5InputStream is a subclass of FilterInputStream adding MD5 hashing of the read input.
- MD5InputStream(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5InputStream
Creates a MD5InputStream.
- MD5OutputStream - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5
MD5OutputStream is a subclass of FilterOutputStream adding MD5 hashing of the read output.
- MD5OutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5OutputStream
Creates MD5OutputStream.
- MD5Utils - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5
Utilities that help when working with MD5 hashes.
- ME - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MIBIT - Enum constant in enum
- MIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- MIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- MimeType - Class in
Deprecated.This simple hard-coded list of MIME types is not maintained well. It is strongly recommended to use a different, well-supported API.
- MIN_COMPRESSED_INT_VALUE - Static variable in class
The minimum value of int that can be written via
. - MINIMUM_BIT_RATE - Static variable in interface
The recommended minimum bit rate.
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- minimumLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- MK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ML - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
Wraps the resources with XHTML and scripts to allow the modification of the resource bundle contents directly through the web interface.
- ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle(File...) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- ModifiableResourceBundle - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n
A modifiable resource bundle allows the resources to be changed during the execution of the application.
- ModifiableResourceBundle() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
- MONDAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- Month - Enum in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- MonthList(Collection<Month>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring.MonthList
- MONTHLY - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- MONTHS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration.Unit
- MP - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MQ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MultiBorderLayout - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt
to support multiple components in all of the four borders. - MultiBorderLayout() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- MultiBorderLayout(int, int) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- MultiFileInputStream - Class in
reads multipleFile
s as if they were one contiguous file. - MultiFileInputStream(File[]) - Constructor for class
- MultiFileOutputStream - Class in
writes to multipleFile
s as if they were one contiguous file. - MultiFileOutputStream(File, String, String) - Constructor for class
- MultiFileOutputStream(File, String, String, long) - Constructor for class
- MultiGraph<V,
E, - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graphEx> -
A multi graph is a set of vertices that are connected by directed edges.
- MV - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MX - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- MYSQL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- MZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NativeToPosixWriter - Class in
Converts native line endings to POSIX format ('\n') while writing.
- NC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- newException(String, Throwable) - Method in class
- newExecutor(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
Creates a new executor.
- newInterruptedException(String, Throwable) - Method in class
Throws an exception when interrupted, must either throw
or re-interrupt the current thread. - newShellInterpreter(Reader, TerminalWriter, TerminalWriter, String[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- NF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Node<E> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree
An abstract structure for trees.
- NodeCopy<E> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree
Creates a copy of a Node.
- NodeCopy(Node<E>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.NodeCopy
- NodeCopy(Node<E>, NodeFilter<E>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.NodeCopy
- NodeFilter<E> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree
Filters may be applied while copying trees.
- NONE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- NONE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.IndexType
- northComponents - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- NOSCRIPT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode
- NOVEMBER - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- NP - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- NZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- OCTOBER - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- offset(Calendar) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
Offsets the given calendar by the unit and count.
- OK - Static variable in interface
A rule that will always be backed-up.
- OM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- OptimalIndexColorModel - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt
Generates a 255 + alpha IndexColorModel to best match a BufferedImage.
- out - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- PA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- pack() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- PaddingOutputStream - Class in
Pads the last block with the necessary number of bytes before closing the stream.
- PaddingOutputStream(OutputStream, int) - Constructor for class
Uses a default instance of
, which is not a strong instance to avoid blocking, as the source of random bytes for padding. - PaddingOutputStream(OutputStream, int, byte) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Please use random padding
- PaddingOutputStream(OutputStream, int, SecureRandom) - Constructor for class
Uses the given source of random bytes for padding.
- PaddingOutputStream(OutputStream, int, Random) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Please use
. This method will stay, but will remain deprecated since it should only be used after careful consideration. - paint(Graphics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ImageCanvas
- parallelDelete(List<File>, PrintStream, boolean) - Static method in class
Recursively deletes all of the files in the provided directories.
- ParallelDelete - Class in
Our backup directories contain parallel directories with many hard links.
- parse(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
Parses a human-readable representation of a recurring schedule.
- PBIT - Enum constant in enum
- PBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- PBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- PE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PIBIT - Enum constant in enum
- PIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- PIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- PK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- preferredLayoutSize(Container) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- PRIMARY_KEY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.IndexType
- printConnectionStats(Appendable, boolean) - Method in class
Prints additional connection pool details.
- printEditableResourceBundleLookups(Encoder, Encoder, Appendable, boolean, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Prints the resource bundle lookup editor.
- printEditableResourceBundleLookups(Encoder, Encoder, Appendable, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Deprecated.Please use
EditableResourceBundle.printEditableResourceBundleLookups(,, java.lang.Appendable, boolean, int, boolean)
directly, providing whether is SGML or XHTML serialization with theisXhtml
flag. This assumes XHTML serialization for backward-compatibility. - printStatisticsHtml(Appendable, boolean) - Method in class
Prints complete statistics about connection pool use.
- printStatisticsHTML(Appendable) - Method in class
Deprecated.Please specify if is HTML or XHTML
- printStatisticsHTML(Appendable, boolean) - Method in class
Deprecated.Please use
AOPool.printStatisticsHtml(java.lang.Appendable, boolean)
instead. - printStats(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- PrintStreamOutputStream - Class in
Wraps a PrintStream to be an OutputStream.
- PrintStreamOutputStream(PrintStream) - Constructor for class
- ProcessTimer - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging
monitors how long something takes, and logs info when the task takes too long. - ProcessTimer(Logger, String, String, String, String, long, long) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.ProcessTimer
- progressOutput(String, String) - Method in class
- progressOutput(String, String, PrintStream) - Static method in class
(Over)writes a progress line to the given PrintStream.
- progressOutput(String, String, Writer) - Static method in class
(Over)writes a progress line to the given PrintStream.
- PROPERTIES_KEY_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiablePropertiesResourceBundle
- PropertiesVersions - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version
Loads version numbers from a properties file.
- PropertiesVersions(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.PropertiesVersions
Loads properties from the provided inputstream.
- PropertiesVersions(Class<?>, String) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.PropertiesVersions
Loads properties from a module or classpath resource.
- PropertiesVersions(Properties) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.PropertiesVersions
Uses the provided properties directly, no defensive copy is made.
- PS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PSQL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- PT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- publish(LogRecord) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
- put(K, BackgroundCache.Refresher<? super K, ? extends V, ? extends Ex>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Runs the refresher immediately to obtain the result, then places an entry into the cache, replacing any existing entry under this key.
- put(K, BackgroundCache.Refresher<? super K, ? extends V, ? extends Ex>, Ex) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Places a result into the cache, replacing any existing entry under this key.
- put(K, BackgroundCache.Refresher<? super K, ? extends V, ? extends Ex>, V) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Places a result into the cache, replacing any existing entry under this key.
- PW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- PY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- QA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- QubbleSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
An quick sort with buble sort speedup demonstration algorithm, Thu Oct 27 10:32:35 1994
- QueuedHandler - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging
An implementation of
that queues log records and handles them in the background. - QueuedHandler(String) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
Manages the queue internally.
- QueuedHandler(ExecutorService) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
Uses the provided executor.
- RateLimitCat - Class in
Concatenates files similar to the Unix cat command, but with a limited throughput.
- RE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- read() - Method in class
- read() - Method in class
- read() - Method in class
Reads data from the file, blocks until the data is available.
- read() - Method in class
- read() - Method in class
- read() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5InputStream
Read a byte of data.
- read() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.CommentCaptureInputStream
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
Reads data from the file, blocks until at least one byte is available.
- read(byte[]) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Reads data from the file, blocks until at least one byte is available.
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5InputStream
Reads into an array of bytes.
- read(StreamableInput, String) - Method in interface
- read(StreamableInput, String) - Method in interface
- readCompressedInt() - Method in class
Reads a compressed integer from the stream.
- readCompressedInt(InputStream) - Static method in class
Reads a compressed integer from the stream.
- readCompressedUTF() - Method in class
- readEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class
Reads an
, represented by
. - readLongUTF() - Method in class
Reads a string of any length.
- readNullBoolean() - Method in class
- readNullByte() - Method in class
- readNullEnum(Class<T>) - Method in class
- readNullInteger() - Method in class
- readNullLong() - Method in class
- readNullLongUTF() - Method in class
Reads a string of any length, supporting
. - readNullShort() - Method in class
- readNullUTF() - Method in class
- readRecord(DataInputStream) - Method in interface
- Recurring - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- Recurring() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- Recurring.DayOfWeekList - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- Recurring.Every - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- Recurring.EveryByDayOfWeek - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- Recurring.EveryByMonth - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- Recurring.MonthList - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule
- RegistryManager - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi
Controls the Registry, making sure only one registry is created per port.
- release(C) - Method in class
Releases the database
to theConnection
pool. - releaseConnection(C) - Method in class
Deprecated.Please release to the pool by closing the connection, preferably via try-with-resources.
- remove(int) - Method in class
- remove(Object, List<Component>) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- removeAllRecords() - Method in class
- removeKey(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
Removes a string.
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- removeLayoutComponent(Component) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- removeRecord(int) - Method in class
- removeTableListener(TableListener) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Table
Removes a
from the list of objects being notified when the data is updated. - removeThreadContext() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupThreadContext
Deprecated.This should not be used directly and will become inaccessible in a future major version release, since this content is now added and removed based on the current thread settings.
- removeThreadSettings() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - reset() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.BundleLookupThreadContext
Deprecated.Lookups are no longer reset. Instead, they are now added and removed based on the current thread settings.
- reset() - Method in class
Resets this
to contain no contents and start writing at the beginning of the file. - reset() - Method in class
- reset() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- resetConnection(C) - Method in class
Resets the given connection for release back to the pool.
- resetRequest(boolean, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
- resetThreadSettings() - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Resets the settings for the current thread.
- RGBColor - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt
Gets color integers provided color names.
- RMIClientSocketFactorySSL - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi
SSL client factory.
- RMIClientSocketFactorySSL() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactorySSL
Will establish connections with the system default local address.
- RMIClientSocketFactorySSL(String) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactorySSL
Will establish connections with the provided local address.
- RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi
TCP client factory (non-SSL).
- RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP
Will establish connections with the system default local address.
- RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP(String) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIClientSocketFactoryTCP
Will establish connections with the provided local address.
- RMIServerSocketFactorySSL - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi
SSL server factory.
- RMIServerSocketFactorySSL() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactorySSL
Will listen on the default listen address.
- RMIServerSocketFactorySSL(String) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactorySSL
Will listen on the provided listen address.
- RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi
TCP server factory (non-SSL).
- RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP
Will listen on the default listen address.
- RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP(String) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.rmi.RMIServerSocketFactoryTCP
Will listen on the provided listen address.
- RO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Row - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table
An abstract structure for rows in a table.
- rows - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- RS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- RU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- run() - Method in class
The RefreshConnection thread polls every connection in the connection pool.
- run() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.ProcessTimer
- run() - Method in class
- run() - Method in class
- run() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
If arguments were provided, executes that command.
- RW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SATURDAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- SB - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SD - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- seekToExistingRecord(int) - Method in class
- SEPTEMBER - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- set(int[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- set(int[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- set(int, T) - Method in class
- set(IntList, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- set(IntList, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- set(List<T>, int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- set(T[], int, T, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- setColorModel(ColorModel) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- setDimensions(int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Enables the special features of the terminal writer.
- setFirstIndex(long) - Method in class
Sets the data index of the next value that will be read.
- setHints(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- setLength(long) - Method in class
Sets the number of bytes currently contained by the FIFO.
- setMode(EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings
Sets the mode.
- setModifyAllText(boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings
Sets the modify all text flag.
- setObject(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
Adds or updates the value associated with the provided key and sets the verified time to the current time.
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- setPixels(int, int, int, int, ColorModel, int[], int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- setProperties(Hashtable<?, ?>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.ImageLoader
- setSettings(EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode, boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings
Creates a new settings instance that shares the underlying sequences, map, and lookup context, but with a different configuration.
- setString(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
- setStringArray(String, String[], boolean) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.ModifiableResourceBundle
- setThreadSettings(EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
Sets the settings for the current thread.
- SG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- ShellInterpreter - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
is a Bourne-shell-like command interpreter to control theAOServ Client
utilities. - ShellInterpreter(Reader, TerminalWriter, TerminalWriter) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- ShellInterpreter(Reader, TerminalWriter, TerminalWriter, String...) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- ShellInterpreter(Reader, Writer, Writer) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- ShellInterpreter(Reader, Writer, Writer, String[]) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- ShellSort - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
A shell sort demonstration algorithm.
- shutdownExecutor(ExecutorService) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.logging.QueuedHandler
Shuts down the executor, waiting up to one minute for tasks to complete.
- SI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- size() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Gets the current size of the cache.
- size() - Method in class
- SJ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- skip(long) - Method in class
Skips data in the queue, blocks until at least one byte is skipped.
- skip(long) - Method in class
- skip(long) - Method in class
- SKIP - Static variable in interface
A rule that will not be backed-up.
- SkipCommentsFilterOutputStream - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
Skips any lines that begin with #.
- SkipCommentsFilterOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.SkipCommentsFilterOutputStream
- SkipLinesReader - Class in
Skips the specified number of lines at the beginning of a reader.
- SkipLinesReader(Reader, int) - Constructor for class
- SL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- sort(int[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(int[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(int[]) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerSortAlgorithm
- sort(int[], int, int, int, Queue<Future<?>>) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(int[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(int[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(int[], SortStatistics) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerSortAlgorithm
- sort(IntList) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(IntList) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(IntList) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerSortAlgorithm
- sort(IntList, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(IntList, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(IntList, SortStatistics) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerSortAlgorithm
- sort(List<N>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(List<N>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(List<T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(List<T>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortAlgorithm
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- sort(List<T>, SortStatistics) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortAlgorithm
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ComparisonSortAlgorithm
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ComparisonSortAlgorithm
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(List<T>, Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- sort(N[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(N[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- sort(T[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- sort(T[]) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortAlgorithm
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- sort(T[], SortStatistics) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortAlgorithm
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ComparisonSortAlgorithm
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ComparisonSortAlgorithm
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- sort(T[], Comparator<? super T>, SortStatistics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- SortAlgorithm<E> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
Generalized structure for sort algorithms.
- sortEnding() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortGetting() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortGetting(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortGraph() - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.GraphSorter
- sortGraph() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.TopologicalSorter
- sortInListComparing() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortObjectComparing() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortRecursing() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortSetting() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortSetting(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortStarting() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- SortStatistics - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort
Sorting statistics to help determine best algorithm for a specific task.
- SortStatistics() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortSwapping() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortSwitchingAlgorithms() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- sortUnrecursing() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.SortStatistics
- southComponents - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- SR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ST - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- start() - Method in class
- status - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.ShellInterpreter
- stop() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
Stops this cache.
- Streamable - Interface in
Indicates that an object may be sent across a
. - StreamableInput - Class in
Adds compressed data transfer to DataInputStream.
- StreamableInput(InputStream) - Constructor for class
- StreamableOutput - Class in
Adds compressed data transfer to DataOutputStream.
- StreamableOutput(OutputStream) - Constructor for class
- StreamReadable - Interface in
Something that can be read from a
. - StreamWritable - Interface in
Something that can be written to a
. - stretchComponents - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- StringBuilderWriter - Class in
that buffers its content into aStringBuilder
. - StringBuilderWriter() - Constructor for class
- StringBuilderWriter(int) - Constructor for class
- StringBuilderWriter(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class
- SUNDAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- SV - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- swap(int[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- swap(int[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- swap(int, int) - Method in class
- swap(int, int) - Method in class
- swap(IntList, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- swap(IntList, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- swap(List<T>, int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.AutoSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.EQSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.FastQSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.HeapSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.IntegerRadixSortExperimental
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.JavaSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.QubbleSort
- swap(T[], int, int, SortStatistics) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.sort.ShellSort
- SY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- SymmetricAcyclicGraphChecker<V,
Ex> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph -
A symmetric directed acyclic graph checker.
- SymmetricAcyclicGraphChecker(SymmetricMultiGraph<V, ?, ? extends Ex>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.SymmetricAcyclicGraphChecker
- SymmetricGraph<V,
E, - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graphEx> -
A graph where each edge has an edge in the opposite direction.
- SymmetricMultiGraph<V,
E, - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graphEx> -
A multi graph where each edge has an edge in the opposite direction.
- syncFile(InputStream, File, RandomAccessFile) - Static method in class
Synchronized the input to the provided output, only writing data that doesn't already match the input.
- SyncFile - Class in
Copies one file to another, only writing the blocks of the destination file if they either didn't already exist or contain different content.
- SyncFile() - Constructor for class
- synchronize(List<? extends E>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingComboBoxModel
Synchronizes the list, adding and removing only a minimum number of elements.
- synchronize(List<? extends E>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingListModel
Synchronizes the list, adding and removing only a minimum number of elements.
- synchronize(DefaultTreeModel, Tree<E>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingMutableTreeNode
Synchronizes the children of this node with the roots of the provided tree while adding and removing only a minimum number of nodes.
- synchronize(DefaultTreeModel, List<Node<E>>) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingMutableTreeNode
Synchronizes the children of this node with the provided children while adding and removing only a minimum number of nodes.
- SynchronizingComboBoxModel<E> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
When requested, it will synchronize its list of elements to an externally- provided list.
- SynchronizingComboBoxModel() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingComboBoxModel
- SynchronizingComboBoxModel(E) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingComboBoxModel
- SynchronizingListModel<E> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
When requested, it will synchronize its list of elements to an externally- provided list.
- SynchronizingListModel() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingListModel
- SynchronizingListModel(E) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingListModel
- SynchronizingMutableTreeNode<E> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing
When requested, it will recursively synchronize its children to an externally- provided tree.
- SynchronizingMutableTreeNode() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingMutableTreeNode
- SynchronizingMutableTreeNode(Object) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingMutableTreeNode
- SynchronizingMutableTreeNode(Object, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.SynchronizingMutableTreeNode
- SZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Table<T> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table
An abstract structure for tables.
- TableListener - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table
When registered as a listener on a
, aTableListener
is notified when the data in a table has been updated. - tableUpdated(Table<?>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.TableListener
Invoked when a
is updated. - TBIT - Enum constant in enum
- TBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- TBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- TC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TD - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TempFile - Class in
Deprecated.Please use
is prone to memory leaks in long-running applications. - TempFile(String) - Constructor for class
- TempFile(String, String) - Constructor for class
- TempFile(String, String, File) - Constructor for class
Deprecated.Creates the temp directory if missing.
- TempFileList - Class in
Deprecated.Please use
is prone to memory leaks in long-running applications. - TempFileList(String) - Constructor for class
- TempFileList(String, String) - Constructor for class
- TempFileList(String, String, File) - Constructor for class
- TerminalWriter - Class in
A writer that controls advanced features of VT/100 terminals, while silently reverting to standard behavior where the functions are not supported.
- TerminalWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class
- TerminalWriter(Writer, boolean) - Constructor for class
- TEXT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- TF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TH - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ThreadSettings() - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings
Creates new settings in a disable state.
- ThreadSettings(String, EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings
- ThreadUtility - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
- THURSDAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- TIBIT - Enum constant in enum
- TIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- TIBYTE - Enum constant in enum
- TJ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TK - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TL - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- to - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
- TO - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TopologicalSorter<V,
Ex> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph -
Performs a topological sort of all the vertices in the provided symmetric multi graph.
- TopologicalSorter(SymmetricMultiGraph<V, ?, ? extends Ex>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.TopologicalSorter
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.cache.BackgroundCache
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.Edge
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.LabeledEdge
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.WeightedEdge
- toString() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in enum
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in enum
- toString() - Method in class
Gets the captured body as a String.
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
- toString() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- toString() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.Column
- toString() - Method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.IndexType
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple2
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple3
- toString() - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
The toString representation is
. - toString(Object) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.EncodingUtils
instead. - toString(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
- TR - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Tree<E> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree
An abstract structure for trees.
- TreeCopy<E> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree
Creates a deep copy of a tree.
- TreeCopy(Tree<E>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.TreeCopy
- TreeCopy(Tree<E>, NodeFilter<E>) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree.TreeCopy
- Trees - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.tree
A set of static Tree-related classes, in the flavor of
. - TrivialGraph<V,
E, - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graphEx> -
A trivial graph is unmodifiable and has one vertex and no edges.
- TrivialGraph(V) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.TrivialGraph
- TT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TUESDAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- Tuple2<E1,
E2> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util -
Two objects combined into a single.
- Tuple2(E1, E2) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple2
- Tuple3<E1,
E2, - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.utilE3> -
Three objects combined into a single.
- Tuple3(E1, E2, E3) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.Tuple3
- TV - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- TZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- UA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- UG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- UM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- UneditableDefaultTableModel - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.table
Makes an uneditable version of DefaultTableModel.
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(int, int) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.table.UneditableDefaultTableModel
- UneditableDefaultTableModel(Object[], int) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.table.UneditableDefaultTableModel
- UNIQUE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.IndexType
- UNLIMITED_MAX_CONNECTION_AGE - Static variable in class
- update(byte) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Updates hash with a single byte.
- update(byte[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Updates hash with given array of bytes.
- update(byte[], int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
- update(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Plain update, updates this object.
- update(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Update buffer with a single integer (only & 0xff part is used, as a byte).
- update(Graphics) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.ImageCanvas
- update(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Update buffer with given string.
- Update(byte) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - Update(byte[]) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - Update(byte[], int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
MD5.update(byte[], int)
instead. - Update(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
MD5.update(byte[], int, int)
instead. - Update(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - Update(String) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5
Deprecated.Please use
instead. - US - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- UY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- UZ - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- VA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in class
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in class
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration.Unit
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
Parses a duration compatible with results of toString.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version.Version
Parses a version number from its string representation.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle.ThreadSettings.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration.Unit
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Month
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.table.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VC - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- VE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- Version - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.version
A software version consisting of four integer components.
- VG - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- vgap - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.LabelledGridLayout
- VI - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- VISIBILITY_COOKIE_NAME - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.EditableResourceBundle
- VN - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- VU - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- WEDNESDAY - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayOfWeek
- WEEKDAYS - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- WEEKLY - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- WEEKS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration.Unit
- weight - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.WeightedEdge
- Weight<T> - Interface in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
A weight is anything that can be compared and added.
- WeightedEdge<V,
W> - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph -
A weighted edge (or arc) between two vertices.
- WeightedEdge(V, V, W) - Constructor for class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph.WeightedEdge
- westComponents - Variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.awt.MultiBorderLayout
- WF - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- WildcardPatternMatcher - Class in com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util
Matches simple wildcard patterns.
- windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.swing.DefaultJDialog
- write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[]) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5OutputStream
Writes a sub array of bytes.
- write(char[]) - Method in class
- write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class
- write(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.md5.MD5OutputStream
Writes a byte.
- write(int) - Method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.util.SkipCommentsFilterOutputStream
- write(StreamableOutput, String) - Method in interface
- write(StreamableOutput, String) - Method in interface
- write(Object, MarkupType, boolean, Encoder, boolean, Writer) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Encodes an object's String representation with markup enabled using the provided encoder, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- write(Object, MarkupType, boolean, Encoder, boolean, Writer, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Encodes an object's String representation with markup enabled using the provided encoder, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- write(Object, MarkupType, Writer) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Writes an object's String representation with markup enabled, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- write(Object, MarkupType, Writer, boolean) - Static method in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupCoercion
Writes an object's String representation with markup enabled, supporting streaming for specialized types.
- write(String) - Method in class
- write(String, int, int) - Method in class
- write(String, int, int) - Method in class
- writeCompressedInt(int) - Method in class
- writeCompressedInt(int, OutputStream) - Static method in class
- writeCompressedUTF(String) - Method in class
- writeCompressedUTF(String, int) - Method in class
Writes a String to the stream while using prefix compression.
- writeEnum(Enum<?>) - Method in class
Writes an
, represented by
. - writeLongUTF(String) - Method in class
Writes a string of any length.
- writeNullBoolean(Boolean) - Method in class
- writeNullByte(Byte) - Method in class
- writeNullEnum(Enum<?>) - Method in class
- writeNullInteger(Integer) - Method in class
- writeNullLong(Long) - Method in class
- writeNullLongUTF(String) - Method in class
Writes a string of any length, supporting
. - writeNullShort(Short) - Method in class
- writeNullUTF(String) - Method in class
- writeRecord(DataOutputStream) - Method in interface
- WS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- WsEncoder - Class in
SOAP web services cannot send invalid whitespace characters.
- XHTML - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.MarkupType
- YE - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- YEARLY - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.Recurring
- YEARS - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration.Unit
- YT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ZA - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ZERO_DAYS - Static variable in class com.aoapps.hodgepodge.schedule.DayDuration
Some commonly used constant durations.
- zeroFile(int, int, File, RandomAccessFile) - Static method in class
Zeroes the provided random access file, only writing blocks that contain non-zero.
- ZeroFile - Class in
Zeros-out a file, only writing the blocks of the destination that contain any non-zero value.
- ZeroFile() - Constructor for class
- ZM - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
- ZW - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.hodgepodge.i18n.Country
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
addLayoutComponent(Component, Object)