Module com.aoapps.hodgepodge
Package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
package com.aoapps.hodgepodge.graph
ClassDescriptionThrown when edges are not symmetric in a symmetric graph.Thrown when a cycle has been detected in an acyclic graph.Edge<V>An edge (or arc) between two vertices.A graph is a set of vertices that are connected by directed edges.GraphChecker<Ex extends Exception>Checks a graph for consistency.Exceptions indicating problems have been detected in graph state.GraphSorter<V,
Ex extends Exception> Sorts the vertices of a graph into a particular order.LabeledEdge<V,L> A weighted edge (or arc) between two vertices.MultiGraph<V,E extends Edge<V>, Ex extends Exception> A multi graph is a set of vertices that are connected by directed edges.SymmetricAcyclicGraphChecker<V,Ex extends Exception> A symmetric directed acyclic graph checker.SymmetricGraph<V,E extends Edge<V>, Ex extends Exception> A graph where each edge has an edge in the opposite direction.SymmetricMultiGraph<V,E extends Edge<V>, Ex extends Exception> A multi graph where each edge has an edge in the opposite direction.TopologicalSorter<V,Ex extends Exception> Performs a topological sort of all the vertices in the provided symmetric multi graph.TrivialGraph<V,E extends Edge<V>, Ex extends Exception> A trivial graph is unmodifiable and has one vertex and no edges.Weight<T>A weight is anything that can be compared and added.WeightedEdge<V,W extends Weight<?>> A weighted edge (or arc) between two vertices.