Class LabelledGridLayout

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LabelledGridLayout extends Object implements LayoutManager
Used to layout components in a grid. Each element in the grid contains two components. The borders between these two components are vertically aligned.
AO Industries, Inc.
  • Field Details

    • rows

      public final int rows
    • columns

      public final int columns
    • hgap

      public final int hgap
    • vgap

      public final int vgap
    • cgap

      public final int cgap
    • stretchComponents

      public final boolean stretchComponents
  • Constructor Details

    • LabelledGridLayout

      public LabelledGridLayout(int rows, int columns)
    • LabelledGridLayout

      public LabelledGridLayout(int rows, int columns, int hgap, int vgap, int cgap)
      rows - the number of rows
      columns - the number of columns, each column is two components wide
      hgap - the space between columns
      vgap - the space between rows
      cgap - the space between the two components in a column
    • LabelledGridLayout

      public LabelledGridLayout(int rows, int columns, int hgap, int vgap, int cgap, boolean stretchComponents)
      rows - the number of rows
      columns - the number of columns, each column is two components wide
      hgap - the space between columns
      vgap - the space between rows
      cgap - the space between the two components in a column
  • Method Details