Class AOPool<C extends AutoCloseable,Ex extends Throwable,I extends Throwable>

Type Parameters:
Ex - An arbitrary exception type that may be thrown
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class AOPool<C extends AutoCloseable,Ex extends Throwable,I extends Throwable> extends Thread
Reusable generic connection pooling with dynamic flaming tiger feature.

Two lists of connections are maintained. The first is the list of connections that are ready unused, and the second is the list of connections that are currently checked-out. By using this strategy, an available connection can be found without searching the entire list.

In addition to the global lists, a ThreadLocal list of connections checked-out by the current thread is maintained. When getting a new connection, this is used to check against maxConnections instead of checking the global lists.

Idea: Add some sort of thread-connection affinity, where the same connection slot will be used by the same thread when it is available. This should help cache locality.

Idea: Automatically connect ahead of time in the background. This could hide connection latency on first-use.

AO Industries, Inc.
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_DELAY_TIME
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_TIME
      See Also:

      public static final long UNLIMITED_MAX_CONNECTION_AGE
      See Also:

      public static final long DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECTION_AGE
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_SOCKET_SO_LINGER
      See Also:
    • logger

      protected final Logger logger
      All warnings are sent here if available, otherwise will be written to System.err.
  • Constructor Details

    • AOPool

      protected AOPool(String name, int poolSize, long maxConnectionAge, Logger logger)
    • AOPool

      protected AOPool(int delayTime, int maxIdleTime, String name, int poolSize, long maxConnectionAge, Logger logger)
  • Method Details

    • close

      protected abstract void close(C conn) throws Ex
      Closes the underlying connection. The connection may or may not already have been reset. The connection may or may not already be closed.

      Please note, this is distinct from the implementation of AutoCloseable for use in try-with-resources.

    • close

      public final void close()
      Shuts down the pool, exceptions during close will be logged as a warning and not thrown.
    • getConcurrency

      public final int getConcurrency()
      Gets the number of connections that are currently busy.
    • getConnectionCount

      public final int getConnectionCount()
      Gets the number of connections currently connected.
    • getConnection

      public C getConnection() throws I, Ex
      Gets either an available connection or creates a new connection, warning when a connection is already used by this thread.

      If all the connections in the pool are busy and the pool is at capacity, waits until a connection becomes available.

      Either a reused or new connection
      I - when interrupted
      Ex - when an error occurs, or when a thread attempts to allocate more than half the pool
      See Also:
    • getConnection

      public C getConnection(int maxConnections) throws I, Ex
      Gets either an available connection or creates a new connection.

      If all the connections in the pool are busy and the pool is at capacity, waits until a connection becomes available.

      maxConnections - The maximum number of connections expected to be used by the current thread. This should normally be one to avoid potential deadlock.

      The connection will continue to be considered used by the allocating thread until released (via AutoCloseable.close(), even if the connection is shared by another thread.

      Either a reused or new connection
      I - when interrupted
      Ex - when an error occurs, or when a thread attempts to allocate more than half the pool
      See Also:
    • getConnectionObject

      protected abstract C getConnectionObject() throws I, Ex
      Creates a new connection.

      The returned connection must call release(java.lang.AutoCloseable) on AutoCloseable.close(). This is to support use via try-with-resources, and is distinct from isClosed(java.lang.AutoCloseable) and close(java.lang.AutoCloseable), which must both work with the underlying connection.

      I - when interrupted
      Ex - when error
    • getConnects

      public final long getConnects()
      Gets the total number of connects for the entire pool.
    • getMaxConnectionAge

      public final long getMaxConnectionAge()
      Gets the maximum age for connections.
    • getMaxConcurrency

      public final int getMaxConcurrency()
      Gets the maximum number of connections that have been busy at once.
    • getPoolSize

      public final int getPoolSize()
      Gets the maximum number of connections the pool will create at once.
    • getTotalTime

      public final long getTotalTime()
    • getTransactionCount

      public final long getTransactionCount()
    • isClosed

      protected abstract boolean isClosed(C conn) throws Ex
      Determine if the underlying connection is closed.

      Please note, this is distinct from the implementation of AutoCloseable for use in try-with-resources.

    • printConnectionStats

      protected void printConnectionStats(Appendable out, boolean isXhtml) throws IOException
      Prints additional connection pool details. Must have opened the <tbody>.
    • printStatisticsHtml

      public final void printStatisticsHtml(Appendable out, boolean isXhtml) throws IOException, Ex
      Prints complete statistics about connection pool use.
    • printStatisticsHTML

      @Deprecated public final void printStatisticsHTML(Appendable out, boolean isXhtml) throws IOException, Ex
      Prints complete statistics about connection pool use.
    • printStatisticsHTML

      @Deprecated public final void printStatisticsHTML(Appendable out) throws IOException, Ex
      Please specify if is HTML or XHTML
      Prints complete statistics about connection pool use in XHTML.
    • releaseConnection

      @Deprecated public final void releaseConnection(C connection) throws Ex
      Please release to the pool by closing the connection, preferably via try-with-resources.
      See Also:
    • release

      protected void release(C connection) throws Ex
      Releases the database Connection to the Connection pool.

      It is safe to call this method more than once, but only the first call will have any affect.

      If the connection is not from this pool, no action is taken.

      The connection will be reset and/or closed.

      See Also:
    • logConnection

      protected void logConnection(C conn) throws Ex
      Perform any connection logging before resetConnection(java.lang.AutoCloseable) and/or close(java.lang.AutoCloseable). This is only called on connections that are not closed.
    • resetConnection

      protected abstract void resetConnection(C conn) throws I, Ex
      Resets the given connection for release back to the pool.
    • run

      public final void run()
      The RefreshConnection thread polls every connection in the connection pool. If it detects a connection is idle for more than the pre-defined MAX_IDLE_TIME, it closes the connection. It will stop when the pool is flagged as closed.
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
      run in class Thread
    • newException

      protected abstract Ex newException(String message, Throwable cause)
    • newInterruptedException

      protected abstract I newInterruptedException(String message, Throwable cause)
      Throws an exception when interrupted, must either throw InterruptedException or re-interrupt the current thread.
    • getLogger

      public final Logger getLogger()