All Classes and Interfaces

Provides direct access to the internal byte[].
Provides direct access to the internal byte[].
Provides direct access to the internal char[].
Writer that writes to an underlying Appendable.
Generates incrementing identifiers in a thread-safe manner using atomic primitives.
An attribute has scope, context, and name and is used for value access.
A name without any specific scope or context.
Supports attributes in extensible contexts, loaded via ServiceLoader.load(java.lang.Class) on each access to Attribute.Name.context(java.lang.Object).
Supports scope attributes in extensible scopes, loaded via ServiceLoader.load(java.lang.Class) on each access to Attribute.Name.scope(java.lang.Class).
A backup value from before attribute initialization, which must be closed to restore the old value.
Utilities for working with AutoCloseable.
A biconsumer that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
A bifunction that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
Utilities for working with BiFunction and BiFunctionE.
Stores arbitrary size fractions by their numerator and denominator.
A bipredicate that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
BufferManager manages a reusable pool of byte[] and char[] buffers.
Calendar utilities.
Please use CallableE
Callable interface with a bounded exception type.
Use StandardCharsets as of Java 1.7.
Utilities for dealing with classes.
Please use standard Java 8 classes.
Coerces objects to String compatible with JSP Expression Language (JSP EL) and the Java Standard Taglib (JSTL).
Implements the optimization of Coercion.
Utilities that help when working with comparators.
An invalid configuration has been detected.
A consumer that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
Some content-type constants for use by various projects.
A specifically resolved context.
Works around the "Corrupt GZIP trailer" problem in GZIPInputStream by catching and ignoring this exception.
Compares currencies and orders them by their currency code.
Utility methods for working with currencies.
Please use AutoCloseable.
Indicates an object is capable of making a simple Data Transfer Object (DTO) representation of itself.
Please use standard Java 8 classes.
Various empty array constants.
Encodes data as it is written to the provided output.
Writer that encodes during write.
Utilities that help when working with Enums.
Prints errors with more detail than a standard printStackTrace() call.
Utilities for working with ExecutionException.
Provides optional extra information related to an exception.
A FastExternalizable object does not have any loops in its object graph, or is able to restore the loops itself upon deserialization.
Utilities to read FastExternalizable, Externalizable, and Serializable objects.
Utilities to write FastExternalizable, Externalizable, and Serializable objects.
File utilities.
An object that is freezable begins life as mutable, but once frozen becomes unmodifiable and thread-safe.
Indicates an attempt was made to modify a frozen object.
A function that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
Utilities for working with Function and FunctionE.
General-purpose command line argument processor.
Compatibility with removed since Java 14.
Please use standard Java 8 classes.
An object that may be interned to save heap space, similar to String.intern().
An invalid result with a user-friendly message.
A biconsumer that is allowed to throw IOException.
A biconsumer that is allowed to throw IOException and a checked exception.
A consumer that is allowed to throw IOException.
A consumer that is allowed to throw IOException and a checked exception.
A function that is allowed to throw IOException.
A function that is allowed to throw IOException and a checked exception.
A predicate that is allowed to throw IOException.
A predicate that is allowed to throw IOException and a checked exception.
A runnable that is allowed to throw IOException.
A runnable that is allowed to throw IOException and a checked exception.
A supplier that is allowed to throw IOException.
A supplier that is allowed to throw IOException and a checked exception.
I/O utilities.
A set of various Iterable over common Java types, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
A set of various Iterable over common Java types from the java.awt package, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Polygon, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Rectangle, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Shape, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Boolean, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Byte, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Character, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over CharSequence, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Double, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Enum, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Float, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Integer, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Long, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Number, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Short, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over String, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
A set of various Iterable over common Java types from the java.util package, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Currency, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
An Iterable over Locale, useful to avoid conflict after type erasure.
Sorts locales by language, country, then variant.
Convenience static access to more locales than provided by the stock Locale class.
Associates a locale with a string.
A localized consumer.
A localized consumer that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
Methods common to localized exceptions, which allows access to i18n resources used to generate LocalizedException.getLocalizedMessage().
Extends IllegalArgumentException to provide exceptions in user locale error messages.
Extends IllegalStateException to provide exceptions in user locale error messages.
Extends IOException to provide exceptions with user locale error messages.
Extends ParseException to provide exceptions in user locale error messages.
Extends SQLException to provide exceptions with user locale error messages.
A localized supplier.
A localized supplier that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
Extends TimeoutException to provide exceptions in user locale error messages.
Extends UnsupportedEncodingException to provide exceptions with user locale error messages.
Extends UnsupportedOperationException to provide exceptions in user locale error messages.
128-bit number useful for storing values such as MD5 hashes and IPv6 addresses.
Creates MessageFormat objects and caches them.
Simplifies access to a reflection method.
Stores a monetary value as a combination of currency and amount.
Stores multiple monetary values, with one value per currency.
Indicates that NoClose.close() is overridden to be a no-op.
Overrides NoCloseInputStream.close() to a no-op.
Overrides NoCloseOutputStream.close() to a no-op.
Overrides NoCloseReader.close() to a no-op.
Overrides NoCloseWriter.close() to a no-op.
Indicates a null argument was passed where not allowed.
Math routines that allow null.
Discards all data.
Discards all data.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Please use Writer.nullWriter(), which more thoroughly enforces the contract of Writer.
use Objects as of Java 1.7.
Please use Predicate directly.
A predicate that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
Contains the result of executing a process, including return code, standard output, and standard error.
Utilities that help when working with Package and/or Maven projects.
Property utilities.
Provides a simplified interface for obtaining localized and formatted values from a ResourceBundle.
Listeners may be registered to be notified as messages are looked-up.
Runnable interface with a bounded exception type.
Utilities for working with Runnable.
Runtime utilities that enhance behavior of java.lang.Runtime.
Math routines that check for overflow conditions.
The most broad concept is scope.
Attribute: Has scope and name, still needs context.
Generates unique long identifiers.
A bifunction that must be Serializable.
A function that must be Serializable.
Compares strings in a case-insensitive, locale-aware manner.
As data is read from the input stream it is also written to the given output stream.
Some basic statistics algorithms.
A supplier that is allowed to throw a checked exception.
Utilities for working with Supplier and SupplierE.
POSIX-compatible process exit values.
Copies a ThreadLocal value from the current thread onto the thread that runs the provided callable.
Keeps track of the user's locale on a per-thread basis.
Please use Supplier directly.
Private implementation of ThreadLocale.
Copies a ThreadLocal value from the current thread onto the thread that runs the provided runnable.
Copies any number of ThreadLocal values from the current thread onto the thread that runs the provided callable.
Copies any number of ThreadLocal values from the current thread onto the thread that runs the provided runnable.
Utilities for working with Throwable.
Implements the creation of Throwable surrogates.
Wraps a Calendar to make it unmodifiable.
An unmodifiable Date.
A MessageFormat that may not be modified.
Please use methods available in Long as of Java 8.
Generates incrementing identifiers in a thread-unsafe manner using a simple primitive without any synchronization.
Thrown when internal object validation fails.
For higher performance when validating objects fails, a validator result is returned from the core validation routines instead of immediately throwing ValidationException.
A valid result singleton.
A wrapped error may be used to rethrow any throwable in a context where Error is expected.
A wrapped exception may be used to rethrow checked exceptions in a context where they are otherwise not allowed.
Wraps multiple exceptions into one.
Something that may be written to a Writer output instead of being converted toString and then having the String written.
Wraps a writer while passing-through all methods of the writer class.
A writer output stream makes a Writer behave like an OutputStream.
Utilities that help when working with XML.
Allows filtering ZIP entries in much the same way a FileFilter.
ZIP file utilities.