Interface Content<D extends AnyDocument<D>,__ extends Content<D,__>>

Type Parameters:
D - This document type
__ - This content model, which will be the parent content model of child elements
All Superinterfaces:
DocumentWriter, Whitespace
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnyCOLGROUP_content<D,__>, AnyContent<D,__>, AnyDATALIST_content<D,__>, AnyDIV_content<D,__>, AnyDL_content<D,__>, AnyEmbeddedContent<D,__>, AnyFlowContent<D,__>, AnyHeadingContent<D,__>, AnyHTML_content<D,__>, AnyInteractiveContent<D,__>, AnyListContent<D,__>, AnyMetadataContent<D,__>, AnyOBJECT_content<D,__>, AnyOPTGROUP_content<D,__>, AnyPalpableContent<D,__>, AnyPhrasingContent<D,__>, AnyScriptSupportingContent<D,__>, AnySectioningContent<D,__>, AnySELECT_content<D,__>, AnyTABLE_content<D,__>, AnyTextContent<D,__>, AnyTR_content<D,__>, AnyUnion_COLGROUP_ScriptSupporting<D,__>, AnyUnion_DATALIST_OPTGROUP<D,__>, AnyUnion_DIV_DL<D,__>, AnyUnion_DL_Palpable<D,__>, AnyUnion_Embedded_Interactive<D,__>, AnyUnion_Embedded_Palpable_Phrasing<D,__>, AnyUnion_Interactive_Phrasing<D,__>, AnyUnion_Metadata_Phrasing<D,__>, AnyUnion_Palpable_Phrasing<D,__>, AnyUnion_TBODY_THEAD_TFOOT<D,__>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnyA_c, AnyABBR__, AnyABBR_c, AnyADDRESS__, AnyADDRESS_c, AnyARTICLE__, AnyARTICLE_c, AnyASIDE__, AnyASIDE_c, AnyB__, AnyB_c, AnyBDI__, AnyBDI_c, AnyBDO__, AnyBDO_c, AnyBLOCKQUOTE__, AnyBLOCKQUOTE_c, AnyBODY__, AnyBODY_c, AnyCAPTION__, AnyCAPTION_c, AnyCITE__, AnyCITE_c, AnyCODE__, AnyCODE_c, AnyCOLGROUP__, AnyCOLGROUP_c, AnyDATA__, AnyDATA_c, AnyDATALIST__, AnyDATALIST_c, AnyDD__, AnyDD_c, AnyDEL_c, AnyDFN__, AnyDFN_c, AnyDIV__, AnyDIV_c, AnyDL__, AnyDL_c, AnyDocument, AnyDT__, AnyDT_c, AnyEM__, AnyEM_c, AnyFOOTER__, AnyFOOTER_c, AnyFORM__, AnyFORM_c, AnyH__, AnyH_c, AnyH1__, AnyH1_c, AnyH2__, AnyH2_c, AnyH3__, AnyH3_c, AnyH4__, AnyH4_c, AnyH5__, AnyH5_c, AnyH6__, AnyH6_c, AnyHEAD__, AnyHEAD_c, AnyHEADER__, AnyHEADER_c, AnyHTML__, AnyHTML_c, AnyI__, AnyI_c, AnyINS_c, AnyKBD__, AnyKBD_c, AnyLABEL__, AnyLABEL_c, AnyLI__, AnyLI_c, AnyMAIN__, AnyMAIN_c, AnyMAP_c, AnyMARK__, AnyMARK_c, AnyMENU__, AnyMENU_c, AnyMETER__, AnyMETER_c, AnyNAV__, AnyNAV_c, AnyOBJECT__, AnyOBJECT_c, AnyOL__, AnyOL_c, AnyOPTGROUP__, AnyOPTGROUP_c, AnyOPTION__, AnyOPTION_c, AnyOUTPUT__, AnyOUTPUT_c, AnyP__, AnyP_c, AnyPRE__, AnyPRE_c, AnyPROGRESS__, AnyPROGRESS_c, AnyQ__, AnyQ_c, AnyS__, AnyS_c, AnySAMP__, AnySAMP_c, AnySECTION__, AnySECTION_c, AnySELECT__, AnySELECT_c, AnySMALL__, AnySMALL_c, AnySPAN__, AnySPAN_c, AnySTRONG__, AnySTRONG_c, AnySUB__, AnySUB_c, AnySUP__, AnySUP_c, AnyTABLE__, AnyTABLE_c, AnyTBODY__, AnyTBODY_c, AnyTD__, AnyTD_c, AnyTEXTAREA__, AnyTEXTAREA_c, AnyTFOOT__, AnyTFOOT_c, AnyTH__, AnyTH_c, AnyTHEAD__, AnyTHEAD_c, AnyTITLE__, AnyTITLE_c, AnyTR__, AnyTR_c, AnyU__, AnyU_c, AnyUL__, AnyUL_c, AnyVAR__, AnyVAR_c, Normal__, Normal_c, NormalText__, NormalText_c, Transparent_c, TransparentText_c

public interface Content<D extends AnyDocument<D>,__ extends Content<D,__>> extends DocumentWriter
The methods common to all content models.
AO Industries, Inc.
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface com.aoapps.encoding.Whitespace

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default __
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    autoIndent(int depthOffset)
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    Performs automatic newline when DocumentWriter.getAutonli() and not DocumentWriter.getAtnl().
    default __
    Performs automatic newline when DocumentWriter.getAutonli() and not DocumentWriter.getAtnl(), followed by automatic indentation when enabled.
    default __
    autoNli(int depthOffset)
    Performs automatic newline when DocumentWriter.getAutonli() and not DocumentWriter.getAtnl(), followed by automatic indentation with a depth offset when enabled.
    default __
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default boolean
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default boolean
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default int
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    Gets the document for the current content model.
    default boolean
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default Writer
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default Writer
    getRawUnsafe(Boolean endsNewline)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    indent(int depthOffset)
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    default __
    default __
    nli(int depthOffset)
    default __
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    setAtnl(boolean atnl)
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    setAutonli(boolean autonli)
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    setDepth(int depth)
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    setIndent(boolean indent)
    Deprecated to keep out of the way in code assist, since this not expected to be used normally.
    default __
    default __
    sp(int count)
    default <W extends Writer & NoClose>
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    unsafe(char ch)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    unsafe(char[] cbuf)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    unsafe(char[] cbuf, int offset, int len)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default <Ex extends Throwable>
    unsafe(IOSupplierE<?,Ex> unsafe)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    unsafe(Writable unsafe)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    unsafe(CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous
    default __
    unsafe(Object unsafe)
    This method will remain, but its use is discouraged as it can be dangerous