Class AnyOBJECT_c<D extends AnyDocument<D>,PC extends AnyUnion_Embedded_Interactive<D,PC>,_c extends AnyOBJECT_c<D,PC,_c>>
- Type Parameters:
- This document typePC
- The parent content model this element is within_c
- This content model asCloseable
, which will be the parent content model of child elements
- All Implemented Interfaces:
,_c> AnyUnion_Embedded_Interactive<D,
,_c> Closeable<D,
,PC> Content<D,
,_c> DocumentWriter
Due to limitations in Java generics, this content model does not directly reflect the parent content model, despite this being a transparent content model. Rather, it includes only the content model that always applies to this element type.
For the full, context-aware content model, which will likely include more elements, use the parent content model directly.
- Author:
- AO Industries, Inc.
- See Also:
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface com.aoapps.encoding.Whitespace
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class com.aoapps.html.any.Normal_c
__, close, getDocument
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.aoapps.html.any.AnyOBJECT_content
param, param__
Methods inherited from interface com.aoapps.html.any.AnyUnion_Embedded_Interactive
audio, embed, iframe, img, img, img, object, object__, object__, object__any, object_c, video
Methods inherited from interface com.aoapps.html.any.Content
autoIndent, autoIndent, autoNl, autoNli, autoNli, clearAtnl, decDepth, getAtnl, getAutonli, getDepth, getDocument, getIndent, getRawUnsafe, getRawUnsafe, incDepth, indent, indent, nl, nli, nli, setAtnl, setAtnl, setAutonli, setDepth, setIndent, sp, sp, unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, unsafe
Constructor Details
Method Details
Gets the parent content model, which may also be used for creating child elements.This is the full, context-aware content model, which will likely include more elements.
- Returns:
- The parent content model this element is within