Interface AnyUnion_DL_Palpable<D extends AnyDocument<D>,__ extends AnyUnion_DL_Palpable<D,__>>

Type Parameters:
D - This document type
__ - This content model, which will be the parent content model of child elements
All Superinterfaces:
Content<D,__>, DocumentWriter, Whitespace
All Known Subinterfaces:
AnyContent<D,__>, AnyDIV_content<D,__>, AnyDL_content<D,__>, AnyFlowContent<D,__>, AnyPalpableContent<D,__>
All Known Implementing Classes:
AnyADDRESS__, AnyADDRESS_c, AnyARTICLE__, AnyARTICLE_c, AnyASIDE__, AnyASIDE_c, AnyBLOCKQUOTE__, AnyBLOCKQUOTE_c, AnyBODY__, AnyBODY_c, AnyCAPTION__, AnyCAPTION_c, AnyDD__, AnyDD_c, AnyDIV__, AnyDIV_c, AnyDL__, AnyDL_c, AnyDocument, AnyDT__, AnyDT_c, AnyFOOTER__, AnyFOOTER_c, AnyFORM__, AnyFORM_c, AnyHEADER__, AnyHEADER_c, AnyLI__, AnyLI_c, AnyMAIN__, AnyMAIN_c, AnyNAV__, AnyNAV_c, AnySECTION__, AnySECTION_c, AnyTD__, AnyTD_c, AnyTH__, AnyTH_c

public interface AnyUnion_DL_Palpable<D extends AnyDocument<D>,__ extends AnyUnion_DL_Palpable<D,__>> extends Content<D,__>
Elements that are common to both AnyDL_content and AnyPalpableContent.
AO Industries, Inc.