Class NormalText__<D extends AnyDocument<D>,PC extends Content<D,PC>,__ extends NormalText__<D,PC,__>>

Type Parameters:
D - This document type
PC - The parent content model this element is within
__ - This content model, which will be the parent content model of child elements
All Implemented Interfaces:
Encode, Text, Whitespace, AnyTextContent<D,__>, Content<D,__>, DocumentWriter
Direct Known Subclasses:
AnyABBR__, AnyADDRESS__, AnyARTICLE__, AnyASIDE__, AnyB__, AnyBDI__, AnyBDO__, AnyBLOCKQUOTE__, AnyCAPTION__, AnyCITE__, AnyCODE__, AnyDATA__, AnyDATALIST__, AnyDD__, AnyDFN__, AnyDIV__, AnyDT__, AnyEM__, AnyFOOTER__, AnyFORM__, AnyH__, AnyHEADER__, AnyI__, AnyKBD__, AnyLABEL__, AnyLI__, AnyMAIN__, AnyMARK__, AnyMETER__, AnyNAV__, AnyOPTION__, AnyOUTPUT__, AnyP__, AnyPRE__, AnyPROGRESS__, AnyQ__, AnyS__, AnySAMP__, AnySECTION__, AnySMALL__, AnySPAN__, AnySTRONG__, AnySUB__, AnySUP__, AnyTD__, AnyTEXTAREA__, AnyTH__, AnyTITLE__, AnyU__, AnyVAR__

public abstract class NormalText__<D extends AnyDocument<D>,PC extends Content<D,PC>,__ extends NormalText__<D,PC,__>> extends Normal__<D,PC,__> implements AnyTextContent<D,__>
A normal element that can have textual content.

See 13.1.2 Elements / Normal elements.

AO Industries, Inc.
  • Constructor Details