AO Encoding Taglib Reference

High performance streaming character encoding in a JSP environment.

This is the scriptless implementation based on javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport. For compatibility with legacy applications that use JSP scriptlets, please use AO Encoding Taglib Reference (Legacy).

Both implementations are interoperable and may be used simultaneously under different prefixes.

This taglib is part of an extensible suite of interoperable, context-aware, auto-encoding taglibs. All auto-encoding tags generate correct output for their context, provide context information for nested tags, and validate the output of nested tags. For example, <ao:message> within <encoding:psql> will write its output encoded as PSQL.

This suite includes, but is not limited to:


Standard Syntax

<%@ taglib prefix="encoding" uri="" %>

XML Syntax

<anyxmlelement xmlns:encoding="" />

Tag Library Information

Display Name: AO Encoding Taglib
Version: 5.0.0
Short Name: encoding