High performance streaming character encoding in a JSP environment.
This is the legacy implementation for compatibility with applications that use JSP scriptlets.
When JSP scriptlets are not required, please use AO Encoding Taglib Reference .
Both implementations are interoperable and may be used simultaneously under different prefixes.
This taglib is part of an extensible suite of interoperable, context-aware,
auto-encoding taglibs.
All auto-encoding tags generate correct output for their context, provide context information for nested
tags, and validate the output of nested tags. For example,
<ao:message> within
<encoding:psql> will write its output
encoded as PSQL .
This suite includes, but is not limited to:
1 Usage 1.1 Standard Syntax 1.2 XML Syntax 2 Tag Library Information 3 Tag Summary 4 Function Summary Usage Standard Syntax <%@ taglib prefix="encoding" uri="https://oss.aoapps.com/encoding/taglib/legacy" %>
XML Syntax <anyxmlelement xmlns:encoding="https://oss.aoapps.com/encoding/taglib/legacy" />
Tag Summary
<encoding:encoding >
Manually establishes an encoding context when automatic detection is not possible.
<encoding:javascript >
Manually establishes a JavaScript context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag is a valid JavaScript.
<encoding:json >
Manually establishes a JSON context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag is valid JSON.
<encoding:ldJson >
Manually establishes a JSON Linked Data context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag is valid JSON-LD.
<encoding:mysql >
Manually establishes a MySQL context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag is valid MySQL command "mysql" input.
<encoding:out >
Writes the value with proper escaping based on the context of the tag.
Supports data types beyond
<c:out> .
<encoding:psql >
Manually establishes a PostgreSQL context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag is valid PostgreSQL command "psql" input.
<encoding:sh >
Manually establishes a shell script context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag is a valid shell script.
<encoding:style >
Manually establishes a CSS context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag is valid CSS.
<encoding:text >
Manually establishes a plaintext context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag contains any arbitrary plain text.
<encoding:url >
Manually establishes a URL context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag, after trimming, is valid RFC 3986 URI
or RFC 3987 IRI .
<encoding:xhtmlAttribute >
Manually establishes an XHTML attribute context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag contains well-formed XHTML 1.0-compliant attribute.
<encoding:xhtml >
Manually establishes an XHTML context when automatic detection is not possible.
The body of this tag contains well-formed XHTML 1.0-compliant markup.
Function Summary