Function Summary

long ${ao:getLastModified(String)}

Gets the lastModified timestamp in milliseconds since Epoch or 0 when not known.

String ${ao:addLastModified(String)}

If the URL represents a local resource, a parameter of "lastModified=#####" will be automatically added with the timestamp of the local resource to the nearest second.

String ${ao:encodeURIComponent(String)}

Encodes a value for use in a URI path component, query string, or fragment.

String ${ao:decodeURIComponent(String)}

Decodes a value from use as a URI path component, query string, or fragment.

String ${ao:encodeURI(String)}

Encodes a URI to ASCII format.

String ${ao:decodeURI(String)}

Decodes a URI to Unicode format.

String ${ao:encodeURL(String)}

Rewrites a URL to maintain session state or otherwise alter the URL mapping.

String ${ao:getAbsolutePath(String)}

Resolves a possibly page-relative path to a context-absolute path.

path: The absolute URL, context-absolute path, or page-relative path.

String ${ao:getAbsoluteURL(String)}

Gets an absolute URL for the given path. This includes protocol, port, context path, and path.

path: The path appended to the URL verbatim. To support page-relative paths, first use ${ao:getAbsolutePath()}.

No URL rewriting is performed. Please additionally use ${ao:encodeURL()}, as-needed.

String ${ao:getDecimalTimeLength(Long)}

Gets a time span display for a given number of milliseconds or null for null milliseconds.

String ${ao:getProjectVersion(String, String, String, String)}

Gets the version of a Maven project given its groupId and artifactId.

boolean ${ao:isForwarded()}

Determines if the current request has been forwarded by a <ao:forward> or <ao:redirect> tag.

boolean ${ao:isRtl()}

Determines if the response locale is a right-to-left language.

String ${ao:join(Iterable<?>, String)}

Joins elements of any Iterable into a String.

String ${ao:message(String)}

Gets a value from the current localization bundle given its key. No parameters may be provided. Must be nested inside a <ao:bundle> tag.

String ${ao:wordWrap(String, int)}

Word wraps a String.

double ${ao:ceil(double)}

Calls java.lang.Math.ceil(double).

double ${ao:floor(double)}

Calls java.lang.Math.floor(double).

long ${ao:round(double)}

Calls java.lang.Math.round(double).

boolean ${ao:resourceExists(String)}

Checks if a resource exists in the web application.