Module com.aoapps.lang
U> A biconsumer that is allowed to throwIOException
.IOBiConsumerE<T,U, Ex extends Throwable> A biconsumer that is allowed to throwIOException
and a checked exception.IOConsumer<T>A consumer that is allowed to throwIOException
.IOConsumerE<T,Ex extends Throwable> A consumer that is allowed to throwIOException
and a checked exception.IOFunction<T,R> A function that is allowed to throwIOException
.IOFunctionE<T,R, Ex extends Throwable> A function that is allowed to throwIOException
and a checked exception.IOPredicate<T>A predicate that is allowed to throwIOException
.IOPredicateE<T,Ex extends Throwable> A predicate that is allowed to throwIOException
and a checked exception.A runnable that is allowed to throwIOException
.IORunnableE<Ex extends Throwable>A runnable that is allowed to throwIOException
and a checked exception.IOSupplier<T>A supplier that is allowed to throwIOException
.IOSupplierE<T,Ex extends Throwable> A supplier that is allowed to throwIOException
and a checked exception.