All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form
- add(R) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- addAll(Collection<? extends R>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- canonicalize(K) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets the canonical key used for internal indexing.
- center - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Alignment
- clear() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- clearAllCaches() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Clears all caches for all tables for the current thread.
- clearCaches() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Clears the caches for this table that apply to the current thread.
- com.aoapps.dao - package com.aoapps.dao
- com.aoapps.dao.api - module com.aoapps.dao.api
- compareTo(T) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple
The default ordering is based on column value comparisons.
- contains(Object) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- equals(Object) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple
The equals is based on equal column values.
- executeReport(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report
Executes the report and gets the results.
- executeTransaction(Runnable) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
- get(K) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets the row with the provided key.
- getAlignment() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Column
Gets the display alignment of this column.
- getCannotRemoveReasons() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Removable
Gets a list of reasons why this row cannot be removed.
- getColumn1() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple2
Gets the first value.
- getColumn1() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple3
Gets the first value.
- getColumn2() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple2
Gets the second value.
- getColumn2() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple3
Gets the second value.
- getColumn3() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple3
Gets the third value.
- getColumns() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Result
Gets the result columns.
- getColumns() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple
Gets an array of all column values.
- getColumns() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.TupleN
- getComparator() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Gets the comparator used by this model.
- getDescription() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report
Gets a description of this report in the user locale.
- getDescription(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report
Gets a description of this report in the user locale with the provided parameters.
- getIterator() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Iterates the rows in sorted order.
- getKey() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Row
Gets the key value for this row.
- getLabel() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Column
Gets a display label for this column in the user locale.
- getLabel() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter
Gets a display label for this parameter in the user locale.
- getMap() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets a map view of this table.
- getModel() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets the model this table is part of.
- getName() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Gets the name of this model.
- getName() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Column
Gets the constant name of this column.
- getName() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report
Gets the constant name of this report.
- getName() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter
Gets the name of this parameter.
- getName() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets the table name.
- getOrderedRows(Iterable<? extends K>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets an unmodifiable set of each object corresponding to the set of keys.
- getParameters() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report
Gets the set of parameters that this report requires.
- getReasons() - Method in exception class com.aoapps.dao.ReasonsSQLException
Gets the reasons for the exception.
- getReports() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Gets the set of all reports that are supported by this repository implementation, keyed on its unique name.
- getRows() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets all rows, sorted by their natural ordering.
- getRows(Iterable<? extends K>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets an unmodifiable sorted set of each object corresponding to the set of keys, sorted by their natural ordering.
- getSize() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets the number of accessible rows in this table.
- getSortedMap() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets a sorted map view of this table.
- getTable() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Row
Gets the table this row is part of.
- getTableData() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Result
Gets the result data.
- getTables() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Gets the set of all tables in this model.
- getTitle() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report
Gets a display title of this report in the user locale.
- getTitle(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report
Gets a display title of this report in the user locale with the provided parameters.
- getType() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter
Gets the type of this parameter.
- getUnsortedRows() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Gets all rows in no particular order.
- getValidValues() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter
Gets the set of valid values or
if the user may enter a value.
- hashCode() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple
The hashCode is based on the column values.
- INTEGER - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter.Type
- isEmpty() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- iterator() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Iterates the rows in sorted order.
- left - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Alignment
- merge(Reason) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Reason
Merges this reason with the provided reason, if possible.
- Model - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
A model is a collection of tables, and a collection of reports.
- parse(String) - Method in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter.Type
Parses this value from a string.
- Reason - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
A human-readable reason, which is the cause of a restriction.
- ReasonsSQLException - Exception Class in com.aoapps.dao
A SQL exception with attached human-readable reasons.
- ReasonsSQLException(String, String, List<? extends Reason>) - Constructor for exception class com.aoapps.dao.ReasonsSQLException
Creates a new exception.
- ReasonsSQLException(String, List<? extends Reason>) - Constructor for exception class com.aoapps.dao.ReasonsSQLException
Deprecated.Please provide SQLSTATE to
ReasonsSQLException(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.util.List)
- Removable - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
Indicates something that may possibly be removed.
- remove() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Removable
Removes the object.
- remove(Object) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- Report - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
One report generated from the underlying model.
- Report.Alignment - Enum in com.aoapps.dao
The column alignments.
- Report.Column - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
One column within a report result.
- Report.Parameter - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
A single parameter sent to the report query.
- Report.Parameter.Type - Enum in com.aoapps.dao
The supported parameter types.
- Report.Result - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
A single result of a report query.
- retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- right - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Alignment
- Row<K,
R> - Interface in com.aoapps.dao -
One row of a table.
- Table<K,
R> - Interface in com.aoapps.dao -
One table in the database.
- tableUpdated() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
Called after the table is updated to ensure cache integrity.
- TEXT - Enum constant in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter.Type
- toArray() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- toArray(T[]) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Table
- toString() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Reason
Gets the textual reason.
- toString() - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Tuple
Based on the column values (column1,column2,...).
- transactionCall(CallableE<? extends V, ? extends SQLException>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Executes an arbitrary transaction, providing automatic commit, rollback, and connection management.
- transactionCall(Class<? extends Ex>, CallableE<? extends V, ? extends Ex>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Executes an arbitrary transaction, providing automatic commit, rollback, and connection management.
- transactionRun(RunnableE<? extends SQLException>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Executes an arbitrary transaction, providing automatic commit, rollback, and connection management.
- transactionRun(Class<? extends Ex>, RunnableE<? extends Ex>) - Method in interface com.aoapps.dao.Model
Executes an arbitrary transaction, providing automatic commit, rollback, and connection management.
- Tuple<T> - Interface in com.aoapps.dao
Allows sets of columns to be used as multi-column keys.
- Tuple2<C1,
C2, - Interface in com.aoapps.daoT> -
A compound key with two columns.
- Tuple3<C1,
C2, - Interface in com.aoapps.daoC3, T> -
A compound key with three columns.
- TupleN<C,
T> - Interface in com.aoapps.dao -
A compound key with any number of columns of the same type.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Alignment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Alignment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.aoapps.dao.Report.Parameter.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form