AO Web Resources Registry

project: alphamanagement: previewpackaging: developmental
java: >= 11semantic versioning: 2.0.0license: LGPL v3

BuildMaven CentralQuality Gate StatusLines of Code
Reliability RatingSecurity RatingMaintainability RatingCoverage

Central registry for web resource management.


  • Support inlining (putting directly into the page like some landing pages do already)
    Style says inline: never, "auto/any/?", always.
    When style is "auto/any/?", defer to "Page/Request":
    "Page/Request" says inline: never, "auto/any/?", always.
    When page/request is "auto/any/?", defer to "Global/Theme/Application":
    "Global/Theme/Application" says inline: never, "auto/any/?", always.
    "auto" means to inline on new session? (requires sessions enabled)
      This would mean first page is automatically fewer round trips, wherever they land.
    What to do if things conflict?  What is precedence?