Interface ParamsAttribute

All Known Implementing Classes:
AreaTag, AreaTag, ATag, ATag, DispatchTag, FormTag, FormTag, ForwardTag, IframeTag, IframeTag, ImgTag, ImgTag, IncludeTag, InputTag, InputTag, LinkTag, LinkTag, RedirectTag, ScriptTag, ScriptTag, UrlTag, UrlTag

public interface ParamsAttribute
Something with a set of parameters.
AO Industries, Inc.
  • Method Details

    • addParam

      default void addParam(String name, Object value)
      Adds a parameter.

      The conversion to string may be deferred, or the value may be streamed instead of being converted to a string. It is incorrect to change the state of the provided value; doing so may or may not affect the value of the resulting parameter.

      When the value is an Enum, the parameter value is obtained from instead of Enum.toString(). This is to intuitively use enums as parameters when Enum.toString() is overridden.

      Default method is for backward compatibility only. Implementations should override this version.

    • addParam

      @Deprecated default void addParam(String name, String value)