AO Security

project: current stablemanagement: productionpackaging: active
java: >= 11semantic versioning: 2.0.0license: LGPL v3

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Reliability RatingSecurity RatingMaintainability RatingCoverage

Best-practices security made usable.


  • Implements best-practices password security, made easy:
    • Operations are length-constant time.
    • Plaintext passwords and keys are proactively and aggressively destroyed.
    • Passwords are salted and key-stretched.
  • Identifier and SmallIdentifier are 128-bit and 64-bit random identifiers:
    • Base-57 textual representation:
      • Uses an unambiguous subset of URL-safe characters. For example, the letter B is excluded as potentially ambiguous with the number 8.
      • The same length as unpadded base-64 (22 and 11 characters, respectively), while being completely URL safe.
      • Shorter than padded base-64 (24 and 12 characters, respectively).
  • Password and Key protect the plaintext from all normal access (reflection, Unsafe, and other such mechanisms are unavoidable).
  • UnprotectedPassword and UnprotectedKey provide access to the password and key, but with automatically destroyed copies.
  • HashedPassword and HashedKey contain hashed/encrypted forms of passwords and keys:
    • Are strongly self-validating, including when deserialized.
    • Are intended for long-term persistence, either in textual forms or in the provided SQL composite types.
  • Multi-algorithm support, with backward compatibility mechanisms:
    • Allows systems to upgrade crypto while maintaining compatibility.
    • Textual form includes algorithm, iterations, salt, and hash - everything needed for future password validation even when default settings upgraded.
    • Algorithm support going back the full twenty years of AO application support, including the likes of crypt, MD5, SHA-1, … (don't use these for new passwords, but they are still supported for compatibility with ancient password databases).
  • Robust, bi-directional, future-proof textual representations of HashedPassword and HashedKey:
    • To and from String in Java allows storage and transmission as simple text.
    • SQL CAST are declared for easy conversion of legacy databases to the new composite types, including database-level parsing of all supported algorithms (yes, even you, crypt).
  • API-provided, actively supported default encryption settings:
    • API recommends to re-hash passwords on login when default settings are stronger than those used to originally hash the password. This allows to keep the stored values up-to-date (or to prompt the user to change password, depending on needs).
  • Java 11 implementation:
    • Password and Key are AutoCloseable, to destroy the plaintext via try-with-resources.
    • Optional used where a Password or Key may not be returned.
    • Very lambda-friendly: Function, Consumer, and Predicate all leveraged in the automatic destruction of passwords and keys.
  • Small footprint, minimal dependencies - not part of a big monolithic package.
  • Compatible PostgreSQL implementation:
    • Composite types for Identifier, HashedPassword, and HashedKey.
    • DOMAIN type for SmallIdentifier.
    • Full set of validation functions.
    • Very thorough validation, matching every detail the Java API. As an example, the first four bits of the salt for crypt are verified to be zero, since crypt only uses a 12-bit salt.
    • Full set of bi-directional TEXT conversions, including CAST definitions, which makes for very simple legacy password database upgrades. All it will typically take is:
      ALTER TABLE … ALTER COLUMN … TYPE ""."HashedPassword";